Category Archives: Caretaker

We’re Family, Me and You!

Hey Gang, It’s December 18th and tomorrow is my 51st birthday!  Thought I should share that with you!  I dunno why, may because as I get up in years people make less and less of a fuss about you.  It could be the selfish part of myself talking. 

Update on me:  My Dad went into the hospital again last weekend with pneumonia.  My sister and I had a horrific fight during the hospital stay, not about Dad, we were both sleep deprived and raw after being in the hospital all night watching the staff restrain our father.   Dad was mis-behaving in the hospital and refused to be admitted.  It was a terrible scene to watch.  Dad was delusional most of the time and was imagining that he was being taken as a prisoner of war or being tackled as a running back with the Chicago bears.  Neither of these things actually ever happened to him, but with alzheimers, the disease actually re-writes part of their memory.  So what was true gets mixed in with stuff that never happened.  Dad was in the Korean was – was never taken as prisoner of war, and played running back in Highschool, but was drafted before he could go to college.  He returned to college when he returned from Korea.  The Chicago Bears are Dad’s favorite football team.

I found the experience of watching my father being restrain and medicated into oblivion very distressful.  And inhumane.  My friend, D. Who used to be a nurse assistant explained to me what it was best for the patient.  It was a safety issue.  Additionally the staff called Social Services on us, because I didn’t want my father restrained.  My sister may never forgive me, for Social Services being called.  She felt it was a stamp of White Trash.  I shrugged my shoulders because I knew she only felt that way because of the judgment she placed on me, all the times my ex-husband called social services on me, with my son.  Just another fun thing single mothers have to go through unnecessarily. 

003I’ve started a new job, as a Marketing Representative for a local promotion company.  I sell advertising.  This is a reason my blogs have slowed down somewhat.  I’ve been busy pet sitting and working the new job at the same time.  Busy, very busy.  But it’s all good. 

Last night while I was working, a hugh spider appeared here where I am pet sitting.  I don’t know what kind of spider it was, but I’m guessing it was a wolf spider.  It was as big as my hand.  Since it wasn’t poisonous, I let the cats play with it.  Don’t worry, they didn’t have a chance to kill ispiny-orb-weavert.  Here’s a pic for you.   Sorry my digital camera doesn’t take good pictures of tiny insects or spiders.  Interesting that the spiders eye reflected the camera flash.    I guess I’ll have to get one of those fancy cameras to take pictures of all the cool bugs they have here in Florida.  Unlike anything I’ve ever seen any where else in the country.  Here’s another pic (right), I pulled off the Internet of a spider I see all the time outside, when I walk the dog.  It’s called a spiny orb weaver.  Isn’t it cool?  It looks a little like a crab doesn’t it.  I find all these little creatures fascinating. 

Anyhow, that’s my story and I’m going to stick with it.  Good talking with you again.  Stay cool, the world is always going to try and drag you down.  Luv, You!

The Stethoscope…,Good One and Merry Christmas!

When Good Pets go Bad! – the Homeless Pet Crisis in America

No one has better defined how best to manage our situation with homeless Pets in America better than Mr. Albert Einstein. “”A human being is a part of a whole, called by us -universe-, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Not withstanding is our own Brevard County Space Coast Feline Network (SCFN) who care for all the Feral cat colonies in the Space Kennedy Center (approx. 10,000 cats). This care include spaying and neutering all the animals as a solutions to the population control. Veterinary care for sick cats and food to keep them healthy. The cats are checked for Feline Leukemia, and Rabies.   I remember so clearly when volunteering for another totally unrelated Animal Shelter in San Jose, California and learning their policy for feral cats was simply to destroy them. Death Camps for our helpless lost and homeless pets. That was an idea, I couldn’t get behind, so I ended up never really completing the volunteering process for that Animal shelter.
Now I have the good fortune to discover Space Coast Feline Network’s No-Kill Shelter in my area, I just moved here six months ago from California. This is an idea I can support and get behind. I view the No-Kill animal shelters as humane and compassionate. If you’d like to help, please sign the petition for Brevard County to become a no-kill county please sign this petition:   God Bless You and Merry Christmas!!




Well Casey Anthony is at it again.  The news showed a tape of the Grandmother of Caylee, proclaiming that she knows she’s alive.  Everyone watching watches with a sick feeling.  Why would Casey Anthony put her parents through so much agony over the loss of their grand daughter?  Can you imagine what it is like being Casey Anothony’s parent’s right now.  Their trying desperately to protect themselves from the media and all the craziness that goes along with it, and they haven’t really had a chance to reconcile themselves that their own daughter may have killed their granddaughter.  What a mess.  Prayers and well wishes for the Anthony’s.  Hoping they find what they need to be at peace. 

Audiences are falling in love with HBO’s “True Blood”.  Be careful, it is addictive!  It’s a very imaginative and sexy show about Vampires and how they might integrate into our society in a “peaceful” way.  Good Luck. 

155Dad is hanging in there these days.  He’s stabilized for a while now after he recovered from the pnemonia. 

Our tougher challenges include getting him in the shower to bath and changing his cloths.  He must be somewhat depressed, as he doesn’t seem to enjoy the bath at all. 

Caitlyn (Dad’s dog, shit zu) got another haircut today.  I’m sure she looks beautiful!!  Dad was worried about her getting her hair cut.  But Caitlyn always loves a new look. 

Well we’re all heading over to a concert tonight, I’ve got to run.  Keep up, with the good.

Live Simply, so others may simply live. A High Tech Hang-up!

Whoa, I’ve been spending my energies in a different direction of late.  I’ve just discovered “play lists”  and so I spend a lot of time creating new play lists.  Wow!  This is fun.  I wish Word press had an “Add Play list” function.  That would be cool. 

I’m one of those people who believes “Live Simply so others can Simply live” but the problem is that it clashes with my High Tech Side.  Yes, that’s right, my dream is to be a minimalist, but with a computer, of course and perhaps an iphone, Okay, okay, okay, maybe it should be the G1 (that’s minimalist me talking).  But secretly I’m salivating over the Iphone (shhhh, don’t tell anyone).  Me love Iphone ( – :

Oh and don’t even get me started on the Kindle.  Amazon’s Kindle, an electronic book reader.  Its great because, think of all the trees you’d save and every book is $9.99.  You’d save a bundle as well on books.  Yeah, I know you can go to the library.  Which I do, every week.  But all my favorite books are all out and I have to wait weeks for them. 

Boy, if we ever have some global earth crisis that causes a calamity causing us to have to live without any electricity, I’m going to be sooo screwed.  If I become a homeless person, you’ll see me sitting on the corner of a busy city with a sign [Will work for electricity] as I drag all my electronic equipment around with me. 

Maybe I should learn about Solar energy and how to convert it to regular electricity,  then maybe I could make it all work.  Our local Community College does offer a degree in Solar Energy.  Maybe that’s what I should do??? 

The reason I justify that I need an IPhone is because I’m spatially challenged (I can get lost in a phone booth).  And when I’m lost, well I could just look at my Iphone for directions.  Cool huh.  Well that’s it.  Also, I could blog from my phone.  (That’d be cool).

I didn’t even mention my digital camera.  My family is sick of me always taking pictures all the time.  My Dad always says, You’re wasting film.  Then I get to tell him about the neat technology called a memory card.  (Do you not love it!)  Dad just shakes his head and acts confused (because his personal memory card is a little messed up – Alzheimer). 

My favorite thing to do with people is to start showing friends, pictures on my camera, and they keep waiting to me to come to the end of the pictures, but what they don’t know is —my memory card is 1GB.  I can store hundreds of pictures on this baby. 

Picture it, people trying to be polite viewing all your stupid pet pictures and after about 60 pictures, they’re like, how many pictures do you have???  I have learned not to inflict my pictures on the general public with out careful evaluation. 

More stupid pet pictures
Cleo my cat being coy with her new Halloween costume.   Oh yes, it’s that time of year again.  Torture the pets by making them wear halloween costumes.  Don’t you love it?

Melbourne Oktoberfest

Well after a long day filled with Craft fairs and typical Saturday errands, we finished off the day by going together as a family to the local Oktoberfest.  In the Picture to the left, please see a small sampling of the drinks available to customers.  I’m told the prices of the beers were very reasonable.   

Melbourne Oktoberfest runs October 16-19 at the Wickham Park Pavilion in Melbourne. The festival includes traditional German food, imported German beers, German music, dancing, entertainment.

We went to this event last year and had a good time.  This year, it seemed more fun to me.  I don’t know if it was me or the music.  We did enjoy the musical stylings of “Jess~n~John”  The musical Duo for all Occasions of Titusville, Fl.  See picture, to Right. 

I wasn’t sure who enjoyed this band more, my 76 year old Dad or I?  Dad loved the (That’s Dad dancing in the Oktoberfest March) music and danced most of the night.  Me well, I’m not much of a dancer.  But there was a big crowd and a lot of people dancing!!   Much fun was had by all.  Especially during renditions of the Chicken  and the Ya-Ya Dances!  My favorite was the Oktoberfest March (I hope I got the name right) which was quite a work out in itself.  And every bit of it fun! 

 What kind of Oktoberfest would it be if we didn’t mention the food.  There was a plate of food  that included, a bratwurstknockwurst, and potato pancakes.  My dad and I ordered this, and we split it  – it was just enough food.  Each of these food is available individually or together as a meal.  

 To Learn more go to:

“The longest journey of any is the journey inward.” –

 Casey Anthony
Casey Anthony is being tried in the press right now.  CNN has all the files posted from the Sheriff’s office Discovery Process

That’s One Bell You Can’t Unring!
The liberal newspapers are reporting that the distance between McCain and Obama is widening.  However, all the polls left a certain amount of ambiguity.  At some point Americans are going to realize that this is one bell you can’t unring.  I understand, the unwillingness to want to trust a republican in office again.  This republican is different.  Use your logic, look at the amount of experience McCain offers. When you review Obama’s experience, you’ll see it is very limited. 

Obama doesn’t have a leg to stand on regarding experience.  He’s a junior Senator.  Who reacts slowly when there are issues that need addressing.  No time during the time Obama was sworn in the Senate did he lead a special interest group.  The groups he did belong to, never met.  Here’s a quote from William M. Briggs a statistician who references the amount of time each Candidate spent in the Senate. 

To read more about the quote below, please refer to this URL:

” Barack Obama served 143 days in the senate and no days in the military before he began his run for president.   John McCain served 26 years in the senate and 22 years in the military before he began his campaign. ”  Quoted from William M. Briggs, Statistician All manner of statistical analysis cheerfully undertaken.”

On the Lighter Side, by Sharon
I Am There ~ by Hanoochi (


I am the breeze that kisses your cheek.
I am the sun that warms your face.When you look at the purple evening sky, it is me.
When you see a majestic mountain, it is me.


When the birds sweetly sing, it is my voice.
When the water gently laps against the shore, it is my heartbeat.

I am the green grass against your feet.
I am the refreshing shade of summer.

In the stars, you see my eyes.
In the blue sky, you see my body.


Feel the air that surrounds you, I am there.
Feel the love in your heart, I am there.





(All of us are one…Added by Sharon)


I just don’t understand…

Local News
Yesterday Local news reported the Casey Anthony’s indicted for the murder of her daughter Caylee Anthony.  Tragic, yes.  But is this another tragedy in the making?  There is a report that Casey will be representing herself.  Need I say any more?? 

Presidential Candidates
Both Obama and McCain are preparing for another Presidential Debate.  This is the third debate of it’s kind and it may be it’s last depending on the success of the debate.  This time it will be held in Hempstead, N.Y. at Hofstra University.  Bob Schieffer of CBS will moderate.  Theoretically, the general public believes Obama won the first two debates.  McCain has had less success winning over the swing votes and as a result he is taking a hard look at his proposed campaign and what he can do for the middle class. 

News about Dad
Dad returned to the Senior Center today.  He was feeling a little tired.  We encouraged him to go anyway.  Because it’s got to be better for him than laying around the house.  He seems to be feeling better as well.  There is less coughing and hacking.  We’ve been giving Dad gobs of homemade chicken soup and lots of Florida grown oranges.  They both seem to be helping.


Oliver Stone’s “W” debueing this coming Weekend
Oliver Stone was on the “Real Time with Bill Maher” show this last Sunday (HBO) pumping the audience up with his new movie about George W. Bush.  Starring Josh Brolin as “W”.  Oliver Stone’s protrayal of George W. Bush will be released to movie goers this coming Friday, October 17. 



On the Ligher Side – Commentary by Sharon
Prayer becoming More and More a part of Family Life
With all the stress of these times, Mortgage Crisis, Loss of Jobs, War Raging on, Government expenditures of 1 Billion a month on the war.  Prayer is becoming more and more a part of everyday families life.   Families know that times are difficult.  And as a result are begining to look up to God for help in everyday life.  “Today, my father and I bowed our heads and prayed to God for His blessing in these difficult times.” reported blog author of Family Gathers.   “We prayed for our needs and the needs of others.”  Noting that many other people are truly experiencing real suffering in this difficult economic crisis. 

Nothing sums up the need for prayer like this expression “Life is fragile, Handle with prayer.”

To learn more about Prayer, please visit the URL:   Which is a website formed by Betty J. Eadie, author of “Embraced by the Light”. 

Wishing and praying for you to have a good and happy day with God’s blessing.



Disclaimer: The thoughts and comments expressed in this blog have nothing to do with the Embraced by the light website, the Bill Maher show, or the Oliver Stone Movie “W”.

McCain: Bring The Budget to Balance by 2013

These words are music to my ears!  Is it possible??  Well it will require super human strength.  We are 55 trillion dollars in debt as a nation. 

How does John McCain propose he’ll do this? 

1) Reasonable economic growth. Growth is an imperative – historically the greatest success in reducing deficits (late 1980s; late 1990s) took place in the context of economic growth.

2)  Comprehensive spending controls. Bringing the budget to balance will require across-the-board scrutiny of spending and making tough choices on new spending proposals.

3)  Bi-partisanship in budget efforts. Much as the late 1990s witnessed bipartisan efforts to put the fiscal house in order, bi-partisan efforts will be the key to undoing the recent spending binge.

To learn more about how John McCain intends to Reform Washington to Regain the Trust of Taxpayers go to:

More about Dad
How Dad is doing?  Dad is still fighting off the chest cold.  Today, he stayed in bed all day.  Tomorrow, I’ll be taking him to the doctor’s again.  Dad and I took a little ride in the car today, just to get out of the house.  We stopped by the Optical store to pick-up some glasses we ordered about a week ago.  They look really great on Dad.   We also stopped by this great produce market on the way home and picked-up a large bag of Florida oranges.  To help Dad fight off his cold. 

Oh!  I almost forgot to tell you.  I play in this local community band and Sunday I went to a band concert for another local band.  At the concert I ran into a lady that also plays in the community band with me.  She showed a lot of interest in Dad.  Dad didn’t really seem to notice.

Life is fragile, Handle with Prayer…

Results of Prayer Project
The results are back from the Prayer Project.  As a recap, I’m engaged in an on-line class on Prayer.  The Class began at the end of September.  One of our first projects was to start a small project involving planting seedlings.   All the seeds planted were Sage.  One Plant was chosen as the subject for the prayer project.  The Subject seedling were Prayed over.  The other three seeds planted were the control group (no prayers were said for this group). 

The results were that the Subject blossomed on October 5th.  The control did not bloom until October 11th.  Thus the Subject that was prayed over, bloomed a full six (6) days before the control group. 

Our project did demonstrate that prayer does make a significant difference. 


The upcoming Presidential Election

What are the issues??  Here they are, not necessarily listed in the order of importance.  To learn more about each of these issues by Presidential Candidate please go to:  We need to understand our each Candidate says they will address each issue.  And if the Candidate does not address the issue in an adequate way, we need to get them to address the full issue. 

Energy and Climate Change?

The Economic Crash – How will we resolve the crisis?

The Iraq War – What is our next step regarding the War??


Health Care


International Relations

