Category Archives: Zack and Miri make a porno

Zack and Miri, Hillary is a possiblity for the Sec of State and

Well, It’s Friday and I was feeling both excited and board and had no good buddies to hang out with, so I went to see a movie all by myself.  And so I saw Zack and Miri make a Porno directed by Kevin Smith; starring Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks.  First let me say it had great music.  I found my toes tapping all the way through the movie.  And brace yourself; it’s a love story.  All the soft porn just fades to the back ground.  This movie is R rated. and is rated an 8 out of 10 by the Reelz users; Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 6 out of 10 by it’s users.  I enjoyed it and it did me a world of good, So I give it the 8/10.  Just like Reelz Channel users. 

Did I hear my girl Hillary is on the list as the possible next Secretary of State??  No wonder Hillary decided to be acquiesce to Barack and help him with his campaign.  It was a win-win situation. 

And did you hear what President Bush had to say about President-elect Barack Obama about theprez-bush way he interacts with his children??  President Bush said that President-elect Obama will make a good father figure to this country.  I thought that was a very generous thing for President Bush to comment about. 

005Also, The Shuttle Endeavor Launch.  The shuttle Endeavor launched at 7:55 EST on the Kennedy Space Center.  On the left is a picture of the Launch just as it cleared the tree line.  Very bright light in the sky going ever upward until the light finally faded.