Tag Archives: Cat

Take me out

To the ball game
(Left:  Caitlyn is wondering where Grandpa has gone.)  Today is day three at the hospital.  I could not visit Dad all day because I have the stomach flu. 

Take me out
Dad was not the ideal or perfect patient today.  Arguing with the nurses, trying to find his shoes so he could leave the hospital.(!!)  Finally, in the evening, I made an attempt to visit Dad and hopefully calm him down.  My attempt was thwarted, the nurse had given my Dad a sedative, and he was just going to sleep.  I gave a big sigh and found my way home again.

With the crowd
I came home to find Caitlyn, Dad’s dog feeling a little lost.  Where was her person?  She would wander around the house looking for somewhere to hang out.  She would end up in the middle of the living room floor, looking completely like a little orphan.  I adopted Caitlyn tonight, much to Cleo’s dismay.  They are both sleeping on my bed at opposite ends. 

Buy me some peanuts
Perhaps tomorrow, if the hospital allows it, I will be able to take Caitlyn with me to visit Dad.  Dad would really be cheered up with a visit from his dog.   Caitlyn is in training to be a Hound of Hospice currently. 

And Crackerjack
I don’t care if
I never never get back
Many Thanks for the use of the lyrics “Take me out to the Ball Game”. 

I love it when we’re cruisin’ together

You’re gonna fly away
Puzzle we’ve all been working on together. Brody and his Aunt have been making great headway. Can you tell what the puzzle is all about??

Glad you’re goin my way
The puzzle looks a lot like my cat “Cleopatra”. She looks a little cross in this pic to the right. And she is the sweetest cat I know this side of the Mississippi. Everyone in the family loves her. And she is warming up to them as well.

I love it when we’re cruisin’ together
Today, with the arrival of Brody, my son, we did so much. It was all I could do to write this blog today. I was really tired.

Music is played for love
This morning before breakfast we went swimming. And since in the house now we have three labs. They were all up for a playful swim.

Cruisin’ is made for love
I invited Dad to come out and enjoy the beautiful weather with us. And he did. He found his favorite chair in the sun. And he threw the tennis balls to the dogs here and there. (Below pic: Molly [visiting dog] has the ring in her mouth. Maggie is the yellow lab. Hanna’s nose is in the right lower corner.) Maggie has hip dysplasia so, she only goes in the pool when we need to exercise her bad hip. But Molly and Hanna – love the water and were in and out of the pool all morning. We all had a great time.

I love it when we’re cruisin’ together
Dad really enjoyed the play with the dogs. Poor Kaitlyn, Dad’s little shitzu hates the water and hides under one of the patio chairs hoping we won’t pull her into the pool.

And inch by inch we grow closer and closer
After pool play we all dried off and got out of the pool in time for a short tropical storm that came up suddenly. It seems we have one good thunder storm every day. Lots of rain too. That’s how Florida stays so green.

To every lil part of each other
For breakfast we all had french toast and then got ready to go out to Orlando’s Science Center. We were there all day. And saw – get this – three (3) IMAX like movies. 1) was about the coral reef’s (very beautiful) and global warming. 2) was about storm chasers 3) was a laser light show played to the Beatles. Which we all enjoyed – except Brody – you know because the Beatles are so passe’. He doesn’t say it that way, he just indicates with body language that its not his fave music. Which is okay with all of us.

Let the music take your mind
Well gang, I am beat. Here’s a little Florida sunset for you all to enjoy. I took this picture while I was pet sitting a week ago. This is a part of the Island where you can see the ocean on both sides of the road.

Just release and you will find
Peace Out!!

Many Thanks to Smokey Robinson for the use of his lyrics to “Cruisin”.