Tag Archives: Bush

Zack and Miri, Hillary is a possiblity for the Sec of State and

Well, It’s Friday and I was feeling both excited and board and had no good buddies to hang out with, so I went to see a movie all by myself.  And so I saw Zack and Miri make a Porno directed by Kevin Smith; starring Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks.  First let me say it had great music.  I found my toes tapping all the way through the movie.  And brace yourself; it’s a love story.  All the soft porn just fades to the back ground.  This movie is R rated. and is rated an 8 out of 10 by the Reelz users; Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 6 out of 10 by it’s users.  I enjoyed it and it did me a world of good, So I give it the 8/10.  Just like Reelz Channel users. 

Did I hear my girl Hillary is on the list as the possible next Secretary of State??  No wonder Hillary decided to be acquiesce to Barack and help him with his campaign.  It was a win-win situation. 

And did you hear what President Bush had to say about President-elect Barack Obama about theprez-bush way he interacts with his children??  President Bush said that President-elect Obama will make a good father figure to this country.  I thought that was a very generous thing for President Bush to comment about. 

005Also, The Shuttle Endeavor Launch.  The shuttle Endeavor launched at 7:55 EST on the Kennedy Space Center.  On the left is a picture of the Launch just as it cleared the tree line.  Very bright light in the sky going ever upward until the light finally faded.

HBO’s the Ghost of Abu Graibe

252x190_ghostsofabughraib051HBO has another special worth watching “The Ghosts of Abu Graibe” see URL:  http://www.hbo.com/docs/programs/ghostsofabughraib/synopsis.html  for more details. 

This incident was a turning point for our country.  We can never again ask the question about the Nazi Death Camps “How can this happen?”.  Because now we have our own unscrupulous, uncompassionate, Abu Graibe on our American Souls.  How could this happened, I asked as I watched the unfolding details of this documentary.   I watched this documentary in horror as I watched the people who worked in this prison explain that they were just doing their jobs.  How can American have fostered such ignorance??  Now those roosters have come home to roost. 

The big question is, what are we going to do about the cover-up?  The military took no responsibility for their actions.  They deliberate let this happen and looked the other way.  I really think this should be one of the first actions of our new Presidential elects.  To make sure this festered sore gets the attention it deserves. 

Any how, this documentary deserves your attention.  It’s very engaging.  While you’ll be sicken to know that all this damage was done in the name of America.  And yet, you’ll be glad that someone documented this activity so you are well informed.  It’s really a good documentary. 

Living proof that political dirty tricksters do exist.

In the Presidential Election of 2000, most of the Democrats at that time were shell shocked to learn about the Political election upset between Gore and Bush the morning of November 5Th. 

Americans proud of their heritage wouldn’t believe anyone would stoop to confound the Election process.  Now, we have proof that the political trickery did exist.  It was executed in the political process in 2000, and is probably happening right now. 

I just Thank God, that there are a few good people left in this country.    In the David Iglesias book “In Justice” he documents how the Bush administration sought to subvert the Constitution for political party purposes.  Causing the simultaneous firings of seven U.S. Attorneys.  Replacing them with different attorneys who would succumb to political pressure and partisan loyalties

Now, personally, I don’t see Bush himself behind all these dirty tricks(although I have been wrong before).  Cheney (or Karl Rove) on the other hand was probably chairing the committee.  These coming years will see the prosecution of Bush administration William Kelley, deputy to White House Counsel Harriet Miers; Harriet Miers and Karl Rove, Deputy White House Chief of Staff.  These weasels even tried to negotiate conditions for their cooperation.  “All testimony would be in closed-door sessions; no transcript would be kept of the meeting; and the White House staff members would not be sworn in. ” [“In Justice” by David Iglesias].  Of course these terms were thrown out.  Using the their reign in government to manipulate the US Constitution, for their own political purposes, should be grounds for treason.  The US Constitution is one of our most Hallowed documents in this country.  There is no room for disrespect of this document.  It is the foundation of this country.  This is one of my biggest concerns with children today.  They are not being taught the Constitution.  Once they lose these threads, it will be impossible to regain the tapestry originally woven together by our great American Forefathers.  It will be a sorry day indeed.

All that aside, let’s move on.  Enter Ex-GOP Allen Raymond who went to prison after he pleaded guilty for “Phone Harassment”.  Allen Raymond, a telemarketing company owner,  was contracted by two top GOP party Representatives to jam the Democratic party’s phone lines in New Hampshire on Election Day.  No calls came in, no calls went out.  Additionally, they were also effective in jammed the lines inside a fire fighter’s union hall in Manchester, New Hampshire, where other local firefighters were lining up car rides to help senior citizens get to the polls.

Did this win the election for the Republican party??  Probably not on it’s own.  However if you consider Death by a thousand cuts.  And the possibility that there are  hundred’s of campaigns out there to confound the political process.  Then you understand how the election was stolen. 

Come on Americans, I know you’re out there.  How are we going to correct this problem??  This cannot continue.  If it does, we can be certain that the Freedom we enjoyed as children, teenagers and adult will not be passed on to our children or our children’s children.  Is losing the basic Freedoms founded in the Constitution something you can live with??  I know I cannot live with this idea.  Every chance I get I am talking to my son about the Constitution. 

Last Note:  Please learn from my mistakes, if some one sends you an email with unsubstantiated information in it, that cannot be proved or documented, please don’t pass it on to anyone.  If you do, you’re just participating in the greater game of confounding our political process.

Taxi to the Dark Side

The HBO Special that just aired last night.  Taxi to the Dark Side, Alex Gibney’s documentary about how the Bush administration got America into the torture business.  Really interesting documentary.   So much injustice… by a country’s who’s foundation was based on liberty and justice for all. 

Alex Gibney discusses Taxi to the Dark Side:  http://documentaries.about.com/od/documentarydirectors/a/alexgibney.htm

It will be interesting to see where this tale takes us in a year or two….