Tag Archives: Hospital

True to myself

Life has come a long way since yesterday I say

Yesterday, when I took my Dad to the VA Clinic, the oddest thing….There was a huge Dragonfly inside the clinic.  It was so amazing, I took a picture.  (Well, I pretty much take a picture of everything.)  When ever I notice something unusual in nature, I look at it as it were a sign.  I asked my friend L, who is a native Inuit if she would interpret the sign of the dragonfly as significant.  Here is what she said.  “Yes, its very possible.  Dragonflies remind us that God has given us the means of transforming our metaphorical selves into dragonflies capable of winging off contentedly into a new world. (cont)”

And it not the same old thing over again I say
“Dragonfly’s appearance softly suggests change and is often symbolic of what it means to be light, reflective, and full of joy – in all senses of the words. Dragonfly medicine tends to be very emotional, and passionate, often accompanying a great revelation or discovery of self.”

Just do what you feel and don’t you fool yourself
The way I interpret what my friend so eloquently suggested is that this sign could indicate that we may be turning a corner with Dad.  Dad may be transforming from the Caterpillar to the butterfly soon.  (a nice way to put it.)  Lately Dad is in a delusional state a good amount of time.  Today while I sat with him in the hospital, while he was completely asleep he sang two (2) songs very loudly.  The first song was “Dixie” and the second song was “Glory, Glory, Alleluia!”.   

Cause I can’t make you happy unless I am I say I…
We used to all belong to a prayer group a long while ago.  That’s where he learned the second song.  The most amazing part of Dad singing the songs was he knew all the verses.  Dad is always talking about conversations he had with his mother (who died 30 years ago).  I don’t really consider this delusional, I simply think there are times when he has one foot in this world and the other foot in the next (world). 

 Many Thanks to Ziggy Marley for the use of the lyrics, from the Album:  Dragonfly

Hey Dad! You ready to go home?

Yes, what took you so long, where have ‘ya been?? 

Well we got here as soon as the hospital called us.  (Handing Dad his clean clothes). 

I’ve been waiting here, waiting to go home.  (toe tapping…)

Dad’s not happy.  He finally has the go-ahead to go home.  And we’re not moving fast enough to keep him happy. 

That look on Dads’ face is not a good sign.  When we were just kids, it would mean to disappear – head for the hills… to escape a swat on the behind.  Now that we’re adults, Dad just gives us the business with his attitude and a look on his face. 

Dad got dress and we were out of there!!  Dad was so happy to be released from the hospital.

Day four

Dad is starting to relax into his new home at the hospital.  Unfortunately for him, he’ll be returning home tomorrow.  The good news is that he is recovering from pneumonia and that the so called mass that the Doctors feared was a tumor was indeed pneumonia. 

And you can tell from Dad’s face that he’s feeling better too. 

Per Dad’s usual, Dad spent a good part of the Day arguing with me about why he couldn’t just leave the hospital and go home.  Lucky me, the hospital has pay per view movies.  So I used my credit card to order Dad some of his favorite Harry Potter movies.  It’s amazing, he really enjoys those movies and they quiet him right down.  He relaxed the rest of the day.

Take me out

To the ball game
(Left:  Caitlyn is wondering where Grandpa has gone.)  Today is day three at the hospital.  I could not visit Dad all day because I have the stomach flu. 

Take me out
Dad was not the ideal or perfect patient today.  Arguing with the nurses, trying to find his shoes so he could leave the hospital.(!!)  Finally, in the evening, I made an attempt to visit Dad and hopefully calm him down.  My attempt was thwarted, the nurse had given my Dad a sedative, and he was just going to sleep.  I gave a big sigh and found my way home again.

With the crowd
I came home to find Caitlyn, Dad’s dog feeling a little lost.  Where was her person?  She would wander around the house looking for somewhere to hang out.  She would end up in the middle of the living room floor, looking completely like a little orphan.  I adopted Caitlyn tonight, much to Cleo’s dismay.  They are both sleeping on my bed at opposite ends. 

Buy me some peanuts
Perhaps tomorrow, if the hospital allows it, I will be able to take Caitlyn with me to visit Dad.  Dad would really be cheered up with a visit from his dog.   Caitlyn is in training to be a Hound of Hospice currently. 

And Crackerjack
I don’t care if
I never never get back
Many Thanks for the use of the lyrics “Take me out to the Ball Game”. 

Day Two in the Hospital…

(Left:  Dad forces a smile as I take his picture in the hospital.)  Dad is still in the hospital.  Today he had a Computer Tomography scan and a blood transfusion because he was anemic.  As with most hospitals, little progress is made on the weekends.  We hope to hear some good news tomorrow about Dad being release to go home. 

Today, while I was visiting Dad we watched Pirates of the Caribbean:  Dead man’s chest; Harry Potter’s Goblet of Fire and The rise of the Phoenix.  Dad really likes Harry Potter movies.  It was a pretty uneventful day.  Dad had a good appetite.  And we indulged him with a second cup of coffee.  (He loves coffee.)

I got home this evening feeling pretty bushed.  Sitting all day in a hospital can do that to you.  It was too early to go to bed.  I watched a show about “eBay”.  It was pretty interesting.  I’ve always wanted to be a profitable eBay-er.  -Just haven’t found the right product to resale yet. 

So today is pretty much a bust.  I didn’t get a lot accomplished.   No compelling tale to tell you.  So I’ll sign-off and wish you a good day!  Adieu!

Well, Gang, Dad was admitted to the hospital yesterday.  He has walking pneumonia.  And the doctors found a non malignant tumor in his lungs as well. 

Dad is holding up well to the experience.  True to his self, he is complaining and demanding to go home at every turn.  The doctor will hopefully release him on Sunday (tomorrow) if all continues to go well. 

My family and I are taking turns visiting Dad at the hospital.  Trying to be helpful and keeping Dad’s best interest a priority with the staff.  The staff is so very nice and hospitable. 

I received my new computer in the mail a day or two ago.  I haven’t had the time to turn it on and see how it works.  This is my first article on my new computer.  And so far I’m thrilled with it’s performance.