Tag Archives: Betty J. Eadie



1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all people.5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:1

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” Psalm 119:105

“I saw different energies surround different people. I saw how a person’s words actually affect the energy field around him. The very words themselves –the vibrations in the air — attract one type of energy or another . . .If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths.” Embraced By The Light, by Author Betty J. Eadie  Page 58

We have no idea how we create our lives by the very words we speak. Expressions that come out of our mouths…Oh my Aching back… and we wonder why our back hurts? Or we say to our very children…How could you be so stupid?… And we wonder why our children have low self esteem.

We need to change the way we speak, the way we think. Purify our words, so that what is created within us is in harmony with God’s will for our lives. By doing so, we can make our bodies well and our lives harmonic lives.

“Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may judge what is God’s will, what is good, pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2

How do we take that step towards making positive changes in our lives?? Thankfully, there are many tools available to aid us in accomplishing this goal. By now, most readers have tuned me out. The only ones left are those who truly feel called to change. First of all, in order to change ourselves, we cannot expect transformation to happen overnight. It could happen overnight, but for practical purposes let’s resign ourselves for the long haul. As many parts of ourselves are resistant to change or transformation. If we plan for the long haul, we have a better chance of actually accomplishing our goal of transformation

Transformation – A marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better.

The best image to describe transformation is the ugly Caterpillar transforming to the beautiful butterfly. But how do we transform ourselves. Is it even possible? The answer is YES! It is very possible.

An easy way to transform ourselves is to use Affirmations. Generally choose an affirmation that will help you change a negative thought into something positive. Like “I have nothing good to say” your affirmation can be “Everything I say and do will bless everyone I come in contact with today and tomorrow.” Post your affirmation on your bathroom mirror. Post your affirmations on your computer. Post them over the sink, where you do the dishes. Post it every where you need to, in order to remember to repeat your affirmation often – until it permeates your being. Betty J. Eadie has a number of affirmations and prayers towards transforming your life in her book “Prayers & Devotions for Daily Living.”

The WAVES Forums (http://www.embracedbythelight.com/waves/wavesvision.htm )has a couple of classes who specifically teach from this book of Prayers and Devotions. If you can’t afford the book, you can pick-up the affirmations from the Forum itself. These are but a few ways we can begin the transformation process in ourselves. Oh, and hang-on if you do this… be ready for a wild ride!! Because when you embark on the path of transformation, you can expect some wonderful miracles to happen. Don’t be afraid of change. Be afraid of not-changing, of being stuck and be afraid of returning to heaven without accomplishing your mission on earth. That’s what I would be fearful of, if I were to be fearful – which I try my darnest not to be.


We are children of God. And by just being who we are meant to be makes the very words that come out of our mouths, powerful. Able to create, able to destroy, able to heal, able to make sick.   Blessing you this Wonderful Holiday!  Happy Thanks Giving!!

Let’s work together to make it happen!

Presidential Election
John McCain is getting pummeled for his choice in choosing Sarah Palin as his VP Running Mate.  The Saturday Night Live Skits are not helping much in this matter.  But on the other hand, the skits are very entertaining.  (Kudos to Sarah for being such a good sport.) 

However, it seems to me in these political matters that the general public has not made up their mind yet in regards to whom they would like to see run the United States for the next four years.  One week the media is hating John McCain, the following week they hate Barak Obama.    It’s difficult to know whom to trust with our vote.  Unless of course you review the facts.  Which brings me to the next question? 

How well do American’s know their own history?  Believe me, if you vote for someone who promises change and cannot produce change the next step of our political process will find you storming the white house.  But guess what, it will be too late then.  All the hard work, all the blood shed to create our democracy will have been wasted.   

Let’s work together at this election and vote for someone with real experience.  I want to insure our country an even better future and see it recover from this economic crisis.  I want to see this country establish itself with a progressive educational system.  I want to see real change too.   Most of all I want to see this country be the true leader we’re called to be and see us make some positive changes in the world today and in the future. 

On the Lighter Side – By Sharon
“We were conceived to love spirituality, and love is the center of our beings.  It is the energy of our souls, the spark of our divine nature.  Being made of love, we cleave to it and seek it in all that we do.  When we do not have it, or when we have lost it, we grieve.  Its presence of absence color our every action.  It is life It is happiness.  It is salvation itself.”  The Ripple Effect, page 145 by Betty J. Eadie.

I just don’t understand…

Local News
Yesterday Local news reported the Casey Anthony’s indicted for the murder of her daughter Caylee Anthony.  Tragic, yes.  But is this another tragedy in the making?  There is a report that Casey will be representing herself.  Need I say any more?? 

Presidential Candidates
Both Obama and McCain are preparing for another Presidential Debate.  This is the third debate of it’s kind and it may be it’s last depending on the success of the debate.  This time it will be held in Hempstead, N.Y. at Hofstra University.  Bob Schieffer of CBS will moderate.  Theoretically, the general public believes Obama won the first two debates.  McCain has had less success winning over the swing votes and as a result he is taking a hard look at his proposed campaign and what he can do for the middle class. 

News about Dad
Dad returned to the Senior Center today.  He was feeling a little tired.  We encouraged him to go anyway.  Because it’s got to be better for him than laying around the house.  He seems to be feeling better as well.  There is less coughing and hacking.  We’ve been giving Dad gobs of homemade chicken soup and lots of Florida grown oranges.  They both seem to be helping.


Oliver Stone’s “W” debueing this coming Weekend
Oliver Stone was on the “Real Time with Bill Maher” show this last Sunday (HBO) pumping the audience up with his new movie about George W. Bush.  Starring Josh Brolin as “W”.  Oliver Stone’s protrayal of George W. Bush will be released to movie goers this coming Friday, October 17. 



On the Ligher Side – Commentary by Sharon
Prayer becoming More and More a part of Family Life
With all the stress of these times, Mortgage Crisis, Loss of Jobs, War Raging on, Government expenditures of 1 Billion a month on the war.  Prayer is becoming more and more a part of everyday families life.   Families know that times are difficult.  And as a result are begining to look up to God for help in everyday life.  “Today, my father and I bowed our heads and prayed to God for His blessing in these difficult times.” reported blog author of Family Gathers.   “We prayed for our needs and the needs of others.”  Noting that many other people are truly experiencing real suffering in this difficult economic crisis. 

Nothing sums up the need for prayer like this expression “Life is fragile, Handle with prayer.”

To learn more about Prayer, please visit the URL:  www.onjinjinkta.com   Which is a website formed by Betty J. Eadie, author of “Embraced by the Light”. 

Wishing and praying for you to have a good and happy day with God’s blessing.



Disclaimer: The thoughts and comments expressed in this blog have nothing to do with the Embraced by the light website, the Bill Maher show, or the Oliver Stone Movie “W”.