Category Archives: President George W. Bush

The follow-up of the Wrap-up for Yesterday.

Well, I did make the Chicken Satay today.  I was disappointed with the recipe.  It wasn’t as good as I hoped it would be.  Dad as you may remember has Alzheimer’s Disorder.  The one thing you can count on Dad for these days is to tell you the truth about your cooking.  He hated the Chicken Satay.  Took one bite and then gave the rest to the dogs.   The dogs however loved the recipe. 

Today was an absolutely beautiful day.  There was a surfing contest on the beach, and a lot of traffic to make it through to see the contest.  I never made it.  One reason I live in Florida is because I don’t like crowds.  So I avoid them when ever possible.  I did capture a picture of someone para sailing today as I whizzed by the beach in my car.  By the way the beaches were packed with people and cars. 

billmaher_2007_90Today I was watching Real Time with Bill Maher,among the guests in the show this evening was Gore Vidal.  Whom I don’t know a lot about I’m sorry to say.  I do remember my mother (God bless her soul), loved Gore Vidal.  My mother was a smart lady, with a high IQ.  So my ears perked up when I heard he was going to be on the show.  I just loved what Gore Vidal had to say about the Bush administration.  We were stripped of our constitutional rights many times during his eight year administration.  And you know the entire time he did this there was not one public outcry by the press about the violence against the American Constitution.  This is one of the primary reasons we have a free press.  One of the things Gore Vidal said was he wanted the new administration to say that they were going to give the country back the U. S. Constitution.  I’m all for that, right now I’m applauding Gore Vidal.   I really do hope that the Bush administration is prosecuted for the wrong doing that went on during his administration. 

One of the things I like best about the Bill Maher show is that he invites people on his show with ideas he doesn’t necessarily agree with, but he hears them out.  In a way, he seems to learn from the people whom he invites on his show.

O beautiful for spacious skies

For amber waves of grain
The President and  Lady Laura – A Report Card
prezlaura3Being a young child during the Kennedy years had a huge impact on me and I have almost always voted democratic.  I remember eight years ago having a discussion with my sister about President elect Bush.  My sister said, he is a good person, you’ll see that , if you give him a chance. 

For purple mountain majesties
Well my friend, the hand was dealt, the cards are all played out, and here are the results of former President Bush’s candidacy. 

Above the fruited plain!
First of all I would like to address the Lame Duck Period of this President, between the voting of November 5 and when President-elect Obama will actually take office as outstanding.  President Bush had demonstrated that he is not married to the idea of being president.  He can release this power with a good attitude, no regret, and little remorse.  President Bush has accepted the change in power and is giving his predecessor an opportunity to begin to make necessary changes in the infrastructure of this country. 

America! America! God shed His grace on thee
I remember the hand-off between his father former President Bush and former President Clinton, the change during the inaugural carried a bit more animosity.  When former President Bush refused to shake hands with the newly sworn-in former President Clinton. What ever other games  that were played during the lame duck president and President Clinton will probably never come to light.    But we know it existed because of that one gesture of refusing to shake hands.  Very telling. 

And crown thy good with brotherhood
Good Sportsmanship
Our President George W. had demonstrated that he is indeed a good sport.  He recognizes the will of the people and acquiesces to it.  Additionally, because President G. W. Bush has acknowledge, and in this one instance, allows necessary changes that need to be implemented because the county’s economy is in such a state of disorder, putting the countries needs before his own needs to complete his term in office.  I believe this is a reflection of a good president and for being a good sport And putting the countries needs before his own (this one time), I give President Bush an A+. 

From sea to shining sea!
The U.S. Constitution
Regarding love of the Constitution of the United States and reinforcing it’s premise.  I’m afraid the president did not demonstrate knowledge of, or love of our Beloved Constitution of these United States…Nor did he surround himself with people who were equal to the charge of protecting the U. S. Constitution.

O beautiful for pilgrim feet
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” Preamble to the U. S. Constitution

Whose stern impassion’d stress
Instead we witness time and time again, the Bush administration over-running  and attempts at rewriting the Constitution.  #1 Allowing the Republican party to overrun the government, allowing corruption to reign when a clear choice of truth and justice should have prevailed. (F-)   #2The Attorney General whereas certain members of the Bush administration sought to overstep the U.S. Constitution by the unheard of  act of firing a number of U.S. States Attorneys.  A topic which I’ve no doubt we’re not heard of  the end.  I’m sure Bush will pardon the person’s responsible.(F-) #3 Choosing Cheney as Vice President and allowing him too much influence and power over his administration.  (F-)  #4 The conflict of interest, with choosing Dick Cheney as his running mate when Dick Cheney had known connections to an arms manufacturing plant.  (F-) #5 The debacle of Abu Graib, listen if it was originally Saddam Hussein’s prison, why or why, would the U. S. adopt this prison of torture and make it our own?  (F-) Need I mention Guantanamo Bay, Water Boarding. .  . (F-) To sum it up completely, this President has done a poor job of upholding our beloved Constitution.  This Constitution should be a held up as guiding light for all to see, American or non-American.  Justice is blind.  It does not serve Americans alone.  I myself, do not consider myself a well-schooled person.  But I found myself asking the question, over and over again…But isn’t that unconstitutional?  I could not believe Americans were not up in arms about the general disregard of the Constitution.  But then while talking to my son’s school principal about the Constitutional test, being a required subject in eight grade.  And my son in special ed, not receiving any education about the subject.  I shouldn’t be surprised.  If a school principal does not find the constitution worthy of teaching in school, why should I expect the entire country to recognize when the constitution has been abased and brought down with objection or  fanfare?   Anyway, the report card reflects President Bush as failing where the U. S. Constitution is concerned.   

 A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Federal Budget Deficit 


Need I say more?  Eight years of Clinton’s administration working hard to get us out of the deficit hole, only to have two administrations of Bush to bring it right back to where it was prior to Clinton’s election to office.    (F-)  Unbelievable. 

There is so much more to be said, but I haven’t the heart to continue.