Tag Archives: Love

Near Death Experience (NDE)

Details brought back from people who have had a NDE.  Enjoy.


We give Thanks!

* If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof
overhead and a place to sleep … you are richer than 75% of this world.

* If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in
a dish someplace … you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.

* If you woke up this morning with more health than illness … you
are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

* If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness
of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation…
you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

* If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment,
arrest, torture, or death … you are more blessed than three billion
people in the world.

* If your parents are still alive and still married … you are very
rare, even in the United States.

* If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly
thankful … you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.

* If you can hold someone’s hand, hug them or even touch them on the
shoulder … you are blessed because you can offer healing touch.

* If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing
in that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore, you are more
blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.

Isn’t this a wonderful day to give thanks?

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!0171














Before and after Thanksgiving!



My gift to you this Thanksgiving, Thank you for your blessings!!

LOVE Deeply, FORGIVE Often, LAUGH Out Loud

Love one another is Jesus’ primary and most important teaching. And it can be one of the most challenging teachings to learn as well. The disciples of Jesus knew this, for they too were as flawed as we ourselves can be. In scripture, many times we are referred to as God’s Children. And like children, we should approach God and the scriptures by taking baby steps as we retrain ourselves to walk like Jesus.

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 “But I say to you, do not resist him who is evil; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 “And if anyone wants to sue you, and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. 41 “And whoever shall force you to go one mile, go with him two. 42 “Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you” (Matt. 5:38-42).

 Remember…baby steps, that all you need to do. Don’t let the big picture scare you away. Take baby steps and learn to love, absorb the violence of the world one step at a time. No one expects you to be the next Saint Francis. Just take small tiny steps in the right direction. All headed towards your Father in heaven.

When you pray, pray from your heart. Picture who you are praying for. Imagine yourself lifting them up to the Light and being transformed. Your imagination is a gift from God as well. When you pray, use the gift of imagination and visualize that person you’re praying for being healed. You’re going to be amazed how well this type of visualization works. When you pray for the world see yourself lifting the Earth up and it being filled with a golden light, transforming all the violence and making the earth a peaceful place.

When you find that you are stuck and not growing, find something to laugh about. Laughter is the greatest medicine for moving and changing energy. When you are sad or sick, lock yourself in a room and watch every silly, funny DVD you can find. Watch Charlie chaplin, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Bernie Mac – whomever you choose. Laugh out loud and watch the negative energy move out and the positive energy move in.

If you want to find some really funny movies, try to find the movies that were popular during the last depression in this country. They are hysterical!!!! Charlie Chaplin, cooking and eating a shoe. Mickey Mouse and Goofy cooking their last bean for dinner. I’m laughing just thinking about it. That’s the way to overcome darkness. –LAUGH at it.

And like children we too need to watch our words. And to remember that our words have power.  As we approach the Holiday season let us remember to Bless each other with our words.

HBO’s Last Letters Home


Voices of American Troops from the Battlefields of Iraq

I’ll be Home for Christmas
Heroic (Angelic) Soldiers of war. who have come to fight the wars for us. 

You can plan on me.
I’m watching a docudrama on HBO right now called “Letters from Home”. “Letters from Home” about the last letter a soldier send his family; often after his or her death.  It is a heart-felt docudrama, where letters are shared by the family of the soldier who service in Iraq came to an abupt end.  The letters also  appeared in the New York Times and can be found at the URL http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/11/opinion/11INTRO.html?ex=1227416400&en=5d3e426af85f536d&ei=5070

Please have snow and mistletoe
The story is very telling and hard to hear as you feel the strong emotions of the family. The letters tell stories of brave soldiers cradled in the love of their family until they sign-up and are sent off to war. The letters tell a story of pure love and goodness. The letters are filled with faith and hope of a return to their families and homes. The families reading the letters tell stories of caring children who went to war bravely and without regret. The soldiers knew their call and answered accordingly. How could we not respond with our greatest prayers of Gratitude and Love for their families who so willingly raised them with good values and sent them off to war to fight for their country.

And presents on the tree.
Excerpt of a letter from Army Pfc. Jesse A. Givens, 34, of Springfield, Mo. Private Givens was killed May 1 when his tank fell into the Euphrates River after the bank on which he was parked gave way. This letter was written to be delivered to his family if he died. Melissa is his wife, Dakota his 6-year-old stepson and Bean the name he used for his son, Carson, who was born May 29.

I never thought that I would be writing a letter like this. I really don’t know where to start. I’ve been getting bad feelings, though and, well, if you are reading this….”

“The happiest moments in my life all deal with my little family. I will always have with me the small moments we all shared. The moments when you quit taking life so serious and smiled. The sounds of a beautiful boy’s laughter or the simple nudge of a baby unborn. You will never know how complete you have made me. You saved me from loneliness and taught me how to think beyond myself. You taught me how to live and to love. You opened my eyes to a world I never dreamed existed.

Christmas Eve will find me
What do we do with our grief knowing the tremendous loss of these heroic families who suffer missing their loved ones during the Holidays?   We can pray, pray with Gratitude for their Love, their steadfastness, and their courage.  Something, that is difficult to find in today’s world. Pray with Gratitude to God for sending these brave souls in our midst to fight these battles for us and pray too that God may bless these families and our country during the war.

Where the love light gleams.
Dedicated to the American Soldiers in Iraq.

I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams

Many Thanks to Diana Krall for the use of her lyrics. Thanks to the New York Times for the Excerpt of a letter from Army Pfc. Jesse A. Givens, and to his family who suffered the loss of such a good and brave soldier. Thanks also to CBS for the use of their picture of the Iraqi boy and the American Soldier. Most Importantly, many thanks to HBO for telling a story that we all needed to hear “Last Letters Home” …I am in your debt.

  To find more letters from home and to see what American families are doing to reach out to their love ones over in Iraq, please see: http://www.soldierlife.com

15 minutes of prayer of Love – Beginning seedlings to pray over.

(9/28/08 1:30 pm)This post is to document the beginning of an experiment that I am conducting on Prayer.  The control Group are the ones marked only with the name of the seeds.  The plant that I’ll be praying over is the one Marked:  Love Sage Love

I’ll continue to provide updates as they come. 

Wishing you every good thing.

Much Love,


back to Cat’s in the Cradle and the silver spoon…

Well, I’ve been praying all day about what to write about today.  And I believe I’m back to looking how each generation lives their lives.  

I mean, there’s more to this blog than making a record of  Dad slipping in and out of reality.    Dad has slipped in to a state lately where he remembers very little from moment to moment.  It’s weird.  Some days he wakes up and can remember most of what happened the day before.  And other days he’s filled with anxiety because he can’t figure out who’s house he is staying at. 

What does Dr. Sharon think?  (smiling, the person typing this blog sometimes plays the part of a doctor, but in truth is not a doctor…)  Well, I’m an eternal optimist.  I always believe there is a chance someone can recover.  I believe that perhaps Dad’s dementia is cause by the statin drugs he was put on years ago after his heart surgery.  When I get to know Dad’s doctor’s a little bit better, I plan to inquire about the drug and how necessary it is where Dad is concerned.  I’ve been reading a lot of material lately that talks about a lot of dementia is caused by the statin drugs.  I may be totally wrong.  But it doesn’t hurt to inquire and find out if Dad could benefit from a change in medications.   Anyway, I digress.

I’m currently working on returning to school.  And was reflecting on my Mom.  Mom, even though she was a very smart women, and good looking when she was younger.  Over the years her self-esteem eroded.  And she started to believe the things her family said to her.  School was a wonderful outlet for Mom.  She studied Parapsychology and Psychology.  These things really interested her.  I was the oldest child and at that time, I truly felt that Mom was seriously depressed before she found the will to return to school.  School was Mom’s therapy for her depression.   She looked for answers in these subjects and she often found answers. 

Recently, after my Mom’s death I was diagnosed with depression.  I was so lucky because I was able to receive psychotherapy.  It really helped me.  And, like my Mom, one of the first things I’m going to do is return to school.  Why?  Well, I’m thinking it might be fun.  Plus I can go into a new industry – perhaps health care.  Who knows, it could be a good thing.

Reflecting again on my Mom, I remember how my Catholic parents struggled with accepting my brother who was gay.  It was a very challenging time for them. 

Initially, when they thought they had some control over the situation, said that they didn’t condone the gay thing.  Then when they realized they didn’t have any control over the situation;… they gradually accepted my brother for who he was.  Of course this was over a period of maybe 10 or so years at minimum.  The hardest part for my Mom (and Dad) was that she really loved  her son, and couldn’t bear the idea of turning away from him.  Of course it was harder still for my brother, who drifted away from the family at that time – understandably.

Recently one of my sisters gave me one of Mom’s Afghans.  Mom loved doing knitting, crocheting, crafts, scrapbooks, geneology, etc.  The Afghan that my sister gave me was white with hundreds and hundreds of rainbows crocheted into it.

When I first received the Afghan I though, this must have been one of the ways Mom worked through her grief over my brother and his “gay issues”,  crafting is great therapy and my Mom made good use of crafts to work through what ever was bothering her at the time.   Blast the church, what’s more important than a mother’s love for her son!  Right?  RIGHT!  And I’m going to crochet a beautiful Afghan for my son to let him know I love him (is what my Mom thought while she worked on the afghan).

When all was said and done, Mom and my brother were very close.  They spent all kinds of time together.  And my brother even offered Mom a kidney when Mom needed one.  But in the end, Mom wasn’t healthy enough for the surgery.

Now the afghan resides at the foot of my bed.  I use it to keep my feet warm in the air conditioned room I stay in.  I find comfort in the afghan because I know my Mom made it.

From a Distance

Well, I’ve been telling you all about my family and how we each pitch in to help with my Dad who has Alzheimer’s Disorder (AD).  There is one more person in my immediate family I need to tell you about.  And that person is my DS#2.  DS#2 and DBL#2 (her husband) live in Washington. 

[From Left:  DS#2, Dad]My DS#2 and her family settled  in Washington  State, as that is where DBL#2’s family lives.  DBL#2 is DS’s husband and they have been married to each other for twenty-two years.  [To the Right and above:  DBL#2 is the family clown]Their two (2) children, David and Erin are in college currently.  DS#2 and DBL#2 help out with Dad when ever they can.  In the past when DS and DBL needed a break (and before I moved here), DS#2 and DBL#2 would take dad in for a week at a time- to give DS and DBL a much needed break from Dad.  DS#2 and DBL#2 are both school teachers (DS-Music Teacher, DBL#2-Science & PE).  Last year DS#2 won the honor of “teacher of the year” in her school district.  She has been a music teacher for about 30 years (give or take).  DS#2 has always seen her job working with the children as a ministry in itself.  Music is such a good cure for so many things.  Here is a verse from a song that reminds me of my DS#2.  Her heart is directed on the right path….Thanks to Bette Midler for this beautiful song.

From a distance we are instruments
marching in a common band.
Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace.
They’re the songs of every man.
God is watching us. God is watching us.
God is watching us from a distance.

While DS#2 and their family do watch us from a distance at times.  They join all of us for family vacations.  Last year we went on a family vacation to the Caribbean, all of us. It was a really nice time where we all got to know each other all over again.  Even though DS#2 and her family are so far apart from us, they still reside in our hearts.