Tag Archives: Memory

We’re on the MOVE to end Alzheimer’s



To learn more, please go to www.alz.org.

Thank you,

Family Gathers

Grandpa’s singing a new tune!

<p>Well, I’m told the only way to truly diagnose an Alzheimer patient is after they’re dead, when you examine their brain. So, in my mind, and quite possibly, my mind only. There is ever the slightest chance that Dad may really not have Alzheimer disorder. And could possibly wake-up one day fully conscious and with his memory restored. However, at the same time I acknowledge that often the family is in denial about the patient having Alzheimer at all. </p>
<p>Today, Dad seemed to have some memory recall. Last night we went out to Heidi’s Jazz Club in Cocoa Beach. The was a really sweet night club band playing. They sounded good. Dad was all over the floor dancing with anyone who would dance with him. </p>
<p>Mom taught Dad how to dance in her mother’s basement when they we’re just 13 years old. They were a great dancing pair till the very end. Dad is still very lost without mom.</p>
<p>So, today, Dad woke up remembering what happened yesterday. Surprise, Surprise! Very rare. He couldn’t remember anything beyond yesterday. But we’ll take these little miracles as they come with grateful hearts. </p>
<p>It’s always so nice when he can remember. You don’t find a need to keep telling him what your name is or why we need to go to the car now. Where we’re going in the car. etc. etc. </p>
<p>Hopefully this will be an ongoing trend.</p>