Category Archives: The world is a beautiful and radient place.

The world is a beautiful and radiant place…

I’ve been known to hang around in some new age circles.  The talk is often about the energy shift going on in the planet right now.  The planet’s pole is actually wobbling somewhat.   I cannot articulate why that is going on, but I have read a lot of material that speaks to this.  Soon, I don’t know exactly when, perhaps in the year 2012, as the Mayan calender projects.  there will be a planetary shift.  And the planet will undergo a fundamental change.  The pendulum will have swung to the opposite side and the age of the Goddess will be here. 

What does this mean.  Well I am not sure.  However, I know as a rule, we will be declaring a lot less war on this planet.  In fact, I’d like to suggest that instead of declaring war; we declare peace.  Imagine what that would be like. 

Today, the United Nations has declared a State of Peace on Dar fur.  As a consequence, they are setting aside trillions of dollars to insure Peace is found and cultivated in Dar fur.  As a first step, the United Nations is sending a thousand legions of scholars and counselors to establish schools in Dar fur that will insure every child has a full education and is taught the basic, fundamental rights of all living things on this planet.  Resulting in a profound respect for all life, and a sense of Gratitude to the Universe for this benevolent gesture of Peace. 

In response to those who oppose Peace in Dar fur and actively seek to terrorize the citizens of Dar fur with Raping, burning and general pillaging of villages left vulnerable to terrorist because of the recent famine.  Peace keeping troops will be deployed to insure Peace.  All those found creating havoc, harbingers of death and in general defying Peace will be arrested and deployed to prison to be re-educated about the nature of the human rights on the planet.  Those found guilty of rape will be punished for a crime so cruel and so heartless on young defenseless women.   Dar fur will again store justice for crimes agains human and living creatures rights among it’s inhabitants.  The citizens of Dar fur will actively be encouraged to define and form their own government. 

With regards to freedom of religion, an open air of tolerance and acceptance will be cultivated in order to allow the citizen’s to remember their own religion and celebrate it in accords with their beliefs.  No hatred or intolerance will be permitted by the peace keeping troops.  Unless of course, the celebration of religion violates the rights of a living creature on planet earth. 

This is a really rough stab at what the world could be like.  But that’s all we needed, a first step at imagining what it would be like.  Before you know it, it will be here.  Wishing you all Peace.  Dreams will become reality.  Peace will reign.  War will not exist.  The realm of the Goddess will begin.  Who knows, It could happen.