Category Archives: Sunshine Cleaners

Sunshine Cleaning, a movie review

sunshinecleaning1My Dad with Alzheimer’s Disorder and I set-out to see a new movie tonight; we were thinking perhaps Hanna Montana.  No we’re not fans.  My sister and Brother in law were leaving me alone with dad and suggested we watch a Doris Day movie.  I physically could not do this.   My sister C thinks these movies are good for Dad.  I do not.  We were born and raised on Doris Day movies as a kid and I had a very had time with reality after being indoctrinated with them.  And later learned to purge Doris Day from my system out of sheer necessity.

So Dad and I decided to go see a movie, any movie will do.  And so we started out for 004the theatre after dinner.  Dad had a bathroom emergency so we were about 20 minutes late for the movie and they wouldn’t let us in the movie.  So we went to see another movie instead. . . Sunshine Cleaning.   Believe it or not, Dad had another bathroom emergency.  So we nearly missed the beginning of this movie as well.   Aargh!  This has got to be at least Dad’s third bathroom emergency today. 

Earlier today, a tornado touched down in our area.  I had just gotten Dad to his Senior Center, and learned that a tornado had touched down.  The Senior Center was all locked-up (I don’t know what they did with the Seniors).  So my Dad and I headed into the church basement to wait out the storm.    The church basement was filled with preschool children in nursery school.  Dad had a bathroom emergency – we got him to a bathroom just in time.  And then they started marching the children into the bathroom, until the danger had passed.  I don’t know what it smelled like in there, but I’m sure it wasn’t good.  Fortunately, we escaped the danger of the Tornado to live another day (Yeah!).  I went about my chores for the rest of the morning. 

Anyway back to Sunshine Cleaningwith Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, Alan Arkin and Steve Zahn.    It was a quality performance, referred to as a Dark Comedy on Rotten Tomatoes.  Funny, I though it was art imitating life.  I love both Amy Adams and Emily Blunt.  They were both spectacular in this movie.  Remember Amy Adams from Enchanted?  She has proven herself an outstanding actress.  Emily Blunt you might remember from The Devil wears Prada as she starred opposite Merly Streep and Anne Hathaway.  I love Emily Blunt in this movie, her American accent is nearly perfect in this film.  Who can forget Alan Arkin from Little Miss Sunshine, what a great actor!

Rotten Tomatoes Tomato meter gave this movie a 70%, Reelz Channel Users gave this movie an 8 out of 10 stars.  I concur.  It is a good movie.  I won’t reveal the story line, but it is definitly a movie, women will relate to.  Although it’s not a typical chick flick which usually shows the heroin climbing an insurmountable mountain and conquering it’s peak against all odds.  This movie has a more realistic feel to the heroin.  You’ll be happy to know that our Heroin does conquer and reign against all odds by the end of the movie.  And yes there’s hope for all of us!!  Smiling.

Dad didn’t really couldn’t say if he liked the movie or not.  I think he forgot about the movie as soon as he saw it.  But he was happy to be spending time out and about.  We had a good time together and that’s what it’s all about!