Category Archives: U. S. Constitution

The U. S. Constitution, Do you know it?

What is it with the Death Penalty.  If people behave badly, we just get rid of them?  Does it really work?  I don’t think it does.  People who deserve the death penalty, have no clue they’re on that path, when life sends them in that direction.  People who complain about the money it will cost to give people a fair chance at succeeding in life, really don’t value that person, or what their wisdom could or would benefit society, if they think the only solution is the death penalty. 

What I believe is that every soul has value and something to learn from this life time.  Yes, sometimes it might be a lesson that can only be taught from receiving the death penalty.  But other important lessons can be taught by wielding mercy and justice. 

And just what is a good person?  Is it always the same person that society rewards?  I think we’ve learned from this current recession/depression that it is not necessarily so.  Every one has their issues.  Some are just more difficult to hide.  It’s especially hard if it involves your survival. 

renditionWhat got me thinking about all this is a movie I just watched on television.  “Rendition” which was released in 2007, rated “R”.  Starring:Jake Gyllenhaal, Reese Witherspoon, Alan Arkin, Peter Saarsgard, and Meryl Streep. This movie deals with the USA s over-reaching response to 911 by suddenly imprisoning people and not allowing them a fair trial because they were considered terrorists. 

In order to side-step the constitution, these non-citizens accused of treason were carted off against their will to other foreign country’s which allows torture.   Where they’d be imprisoned without being charged or accused of anything officially.  These people were refused their rights and privileges.   

Seeing this movie makes my blood boil.   And with any luck at all, all these wrongs will be set right by the new administration.  At least I hope so.  But you know who I blame for all this injustice?  I blame myself for not being more politically active.  I blame all of us for not getting more vocal, about the abuses of the U.S. Constitution.  Because you know what.  If the Constitution can be so easily overlooked by our administration – and no one says a word.  This kind of justice could happen again to one of us.  The Constitution is the only thing that protects our freedom and rights.  And much blood was shed by ordinary people to insure we have these rights. 

The Preamble: 
The Constitution of the United States of America

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The words of the Constitution should be engraved in our hearts and in the hearts of our children.  And you know what, I don’t think they even teach this subject in High school any longer.  I no my son never studied it in High School.  And when I questioned the school about it, they said they weren’t required to teach the U. S. Constitution in school.  What an excellent way to bring this country down?!  Don’t teach kids their history or their U. S. Constitution.   I don’t know what else to say. 

Why don’t we get more involved in preserving the U. S. Constitution?  I think it’s because we feel like it’s somebody’s elses job.  OR we feel we’re not strong enough to take on the world.  We need to do this, if for no other reason, for our children. 

Lastly, I feel personally that the U. S. Constitution was fashioned by people who were refused the kind of freedom they created in the U. S. Constitution.  And I also feel like those people who wrote the constitution may have been divinely inspired.  To me, the U. S. Constitution seems perfect.  And it is primarily responsible for the freedom we enjoy in this country.  We take that for granted, don’t you think?