Category Archives: Beagles

Taxi, Taxi,

Hi All,

Yesterday I had an opportunity to be a pet taxi.  There was some disagreement with a breeder and a pet shop in Boca Raton.  The puppies needed to be returned to the original breeders.  I receive notice around 3pm and hopped in the car with my new nifty GPS device that I received as a present from my family.  If you’re a regular reader, you know that I am a chronically lost person.  I have trouble getting from point A to B on a regular basis.  So now I have a GPS locator and driving is a lot less anxiety filled and definitely without stress. 

So I see on the news right now that they just found the bones of Caylee Anthony, of course they can’t conclusively know if these are her bones until the DNA analysis comes back with a positive ID.  The bones were found in a black plastic bag also containing duck tape and was found only 3/10’s of a mile from the Anthony home. 

This news is absolutely tragic for the Anthony family, who were having trouble A) believing that their daughter could have done something so heinous against their granddaughter.  and B) that their grand daughter who they have been actively searching for is dead conclusively. 

I imagine Casey is breathing a deep cleansing breath of relief right now.  She must have done this because she wanted to hurt her family but is reeling now at the discovery of how much damage she has done indeed to herself.   Experiencing the real pain of losing someone you love.  I pray for Casey most of all that she can forgive herself for this horrific deed.  And that she will be able to find peace in her heart. 

Back to my Pet Taxi story.  Anyway I needed to travel 2.5 hours south to Boca Raton to pick-up two little beagle puppies.  I took off right away and drove the 130 odd mile to Boca Raton.  Found the pet store and picked up the two little beagle puppies.  They were howling up a storm as beagles will do.  Two little ones in a crate, I took a look and let me tell you – it would melt your heart seeing these little ones. (What, me without a camera)  I returned to my destination right away after a quick stop at Panera Bread – Which by the way is my favorite bread!!  Multigrain!!  Yeah!!

I turned the radio to a classical music station and the puppies went right to sleep and I didn’t hear a peep after that.  After I returned them to their breeder, they took the pups out of the crate and they would fit in the palm of your hand.  They were that tiny.  So cute. 

I feel bad for these puppies, what kind of Christmas is this for them?  Being carted back and forth to pet shops, etc.  Doesn’t seem too memorable. 

I hope this event will be a turning point for them.  And that they will find a good family and have a happy Christmas!!