Tag Archives: Doctor

I’m baaaa aaack —

Yes, I did go to the Today.com blog site for a couple of months.  It was a site that promised to pay you, however, I could not get the Google Analynics OR social networking to report.  So I made a decision to return here to WordPress.com until I get my own WordPress.org site together and tracking. 

Today was a busy day.  Lately I have been reporting less about Dad and the family because lets face it…I had a regular mutany on my hands.  No body wants their personal information on the blog.  Okay.  It was entertaining, it was fun.  But now I’ve got to stop.  So I’ve been trying to figure out a good angle for my blog – in order to keep it entertaining.  Anywho, I’ll just tell you about Dad’s appointment today with the Neurologist/Geriatric Doctor who specializes in Alzheimer’s Disorder. 

We haven’t had Dad to a specialist since we lived in Chicago back in 2003.  The last neurologist that saw Dad was at Loyola Hospital.  And at that time they said they believe that Dad had Alzheimers for about seven years.  The nerologiest today said she thought it had been going on for nine (9) years. 

After the appointment with the Neurologist, Dad was really quiet.  I suspect he realizes what the appointment was all about.  We went to lunch afterwards at the Sunset Grill and Bar.  Had a fabulous lunch, very, very relaxing.  I needed the relaxing, it was my first day off from McDonald’s.  I was very stressed out. 

As we chatted over lunch and fed the catfish off the board walk I said.  If I ever have Alzheimer’s I hope I don’t lose my ability to read.  Because I love to read.  Dad jumped in the conversation and said; Oh, you don’t have to worry about that.  That’s one of the last things to go.  I was kind of surprized that Dad was aware of what had been going on around him.  That is the weird thing about Dad having alzheimer’s.  Some times he is very aware.  And sometimes he is clueless about what’s going on. 

We don’t want to hurt Dad’s feelings, and we want to treat Dad with diginity.  So for a while, we just let Dad talk and explain to us what it was like having Alzheimer’s Disorder (AD).  Dad is very fortunate because most AD patients cannot even articulate their wants and needs.  Dad does seem to have the ability to articulate at this point in time.  And for that I’m grateful. 

Anyway, the Doctor’s appointment lasted two (2) hours.  We discussed Dad’s care in great detail and it seemed like we were doing everything right for the most part.  It was good to have a neurologist to discuss this matter with and insure we are giving Dad the best treatment possible.  Until  I see you again!

Near, far, wherever you are

I believe that the heart does go on
Dad had a day packed full of appointments.  So no Senior Care for Dad today.  We started off mid-morning, it was raining hard.  We’re on the edge of Hurricane Hanna.  That’s where all the rain is coming from. 

Once more you open the door  
I g
ot Dad
an umbrella and jacket to use in the rain.  But stubborn Dad refused to use it until he was outside and getting soaked. 

And you’re here in my heart
Dad can be a pretty stubborn guy at times.  The pic above is one of Dad crossing the street against the light.  Dad does this all the while we’re running after him trying to stop him (hoping all the while he’s not hit by a car). 

And my heart will go on and on
We made it to the car and headed over to the doctors which was located in town where we live.  The visit didn’t take too much time.   We headed home and had lunch only to leave again an half hour later.  The rain had abated by that time.  And we have a half hour drive to the VA clinic. 

Every night in my dreams
During the appointment I brought our concern about Dad’s blood sugar spiking in the evening.  The doctor did a number of checks and concluded that Dad must be fighting off an infection of some sort.  He made some minor changes in his meds and sent us on our way.  That was about 2 and 1/2 hours later, just in time for rush hour traffic. 

I see you, I feel you
I felt better having had the doctors check Dad out and all.  Later that evening Dad complained of a pain in his chest so he had to go to the emergency room (just to be certain all was okay).  I’ll let you know tomorrow how everything went.  In the meantime, please keep Dad in your prayers.


Many Thanks for the use of the lyrics from Titanic “My Heart Will Go On”.