Category Archives: Dream


Well my Saturday is starting out slowly, just the way I like it.  We have a new visiting dog today.  His name is “Dozer”.  We’re guessing he got this name from the way he looks (Bulldozer).  He’s an English Bulldog.  He’s snoring away underneath my chair.  The dogs always come into my room when everyone is out.  They don’t like to be alone.  Neither do I.  I enjoy their company. 

I had the most amazing dream last night.  It was so beautiful that it’s still in my head.  Almost in a haunting way. 

I dreamed that these floating Statues came to earth from an unknown race and unknown planet.  They are very beautiful statues.  Looking much like the Greek statues of the past.  The one that I find the hardest to forget was a statue of a muscular man holding up a massive piece of earth – Memories of Hercules, eh?  The statues were massive and it was quite evident that it took an incredible technology to plant them in space so that they would naturally flow through the universe.  The floating statues were first reported by a Latin country, where I happened to be visiting.  I remember reading a newspaper article about them.  I stole the paper, so I could finish the article. 

I don’t know what this dream means, if anything.  However, I usually don’t remember dreams this clearly after I wake up, unless I write them down right away.  Something I was unable to do this morning.  I have a feeling this dream may be symbolic that we are entering the age where we become “AWARE” that there are other worlds out there, other people,  other races.  I’d be interested in learning your take on the dream, if you feel so led to share. 

Well I’m off to run some errands.  First the library, Second – Target and lastly the Post Office.  Wishing you a good day!!