Category Archives: Metaphsical

Life will find a way.

I’ve got the music in me,
My greatest comfort in this world is this saying “Life (Love) will find a way”.   It reminds me that there is something greater in the universe governing everything.  Something greater than the latest politician vying for the White House.  Something greater than the Category 4 Hurricane ravaging Cuba right now.  Something greater than all the hatred and spite a terrorist can throw at us.  Something greater than Mother Earth going through a “global warming” crisis. 

Ain’t got no trouble in my life,
This though instills in me a feeling of trusting the universe.  And reading through the Word Press “Tag Surfer” every morning affirms this feeling.  Tag Surfer brings up all the recent blogs that have a tag that you’re interested in.  My tag is “Family”.  When I go through the Tag Surfer I am led through the cosmic mind of our blogging community.  And I have to admit that I like what I read.  I love reading the blogs from the Muslim families and learning what is really interesting to them and what they do for fun.  And wouldn’t you know, the Muslim families are really not all that different from us? 

No foolish dream to make me cry,
More importantly, it helps one get the image in their head that none of us are so different from each other.  I mean if I exchanged the word Muslin family with the phrase Pierced, punked, tattooed, single white Mom.  I know the sentence would remain true. 

I’m never frightened or worried,
When I get up in the morning and start reading all the new blogs being posted I am reminded of the eternal hope we all engage as we write.  Reaching out to someone, we may never have met, someone we don’t know.  Voices offering support, solutions, warm stories of family love, voices of people who are vastly different in language, religion, affluence, poverty, reaching out. 

I know I’ll always get by.
Somehow all these voice cultivate in a cloud above us literally defending or shielding the planet against all the negative voices out there.  It’s really amazing what a few positive voices can do.  Don’t you think??  Anyway, that’s one of the reasons why I blog.  It’s my way of changing the world – for the better.  One of the more important jobs of an eternal optimist is to keep reminding people that there is a reason to keep hoping. 

I heat up (I heat up)
The other thing that the expression Life (Love ) will find a way reminds me of is a premise I believe; and that is:  All of us are one.  It’s a mystery that takes a while to fully understand.  Another way of looking at this is to say:  we’re all connected.  Boy that is a thought that will really blow your mind.  And I really do believe it has a lot of truth in it. 

I cool down (I cool down)
BTW, I might as well add this personal note:  Today is my late mother’s Birthday (8/31/33).  And I really miss her.  She would be 75 now.  I know she is with me always in Spirit.  And my biggest regret is that I didn’t treat her with more loving support while she is alive.  She was really a great mom.  And I am still working through this with a therapist, in case you have any doubts that I am making this up.

When something gets in my way I go round it.
Don’t let life get me down
Gonna take life the way that I found it.

Many Thanks to The kiki Dee Band for the use of the lyrics “I’ve got the music in me”.