Tag Archives: Family

So Beat It, Just Beat It!

They Told Him Don’t You Ever Come Around Here
So To Day, I decided it was time to start blogging again.  I know, I know you’re really relieved.  What changed my mind?  I think I turned a corner.  A while back I was going through a lot of grief with my family and I think I just really worked myself through all that emotional crap.  I moved out of my DS’s house.  That was a pretty unpleasant experience.  But I made it though it and it even looks right now like I’m going to make it to the other side.  Well let’s hope so. 

Don’t Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear
The most recent news that’s been happening to me of late is that my Dad, you know my Dad with

My DS and DB caring for Dad who is so ill he can't sit up.  DB is supporting Dad with his Body.  While DS is taking Dad's temp.

Dad can't sit up. DB is supporting Dad with his Body. While DS is taking Dad's temp.

Alzheimer’s Disorder (AD) is back in the hospital with pneumonia and a very bad UTI.  Of course UTI are known to make senior citizen’s very disoriented and appear really out of it.  Dad was all of these things.  But with a few days of antibiotics, he was back to his old self.  Now he’s keeping the staff at the hospital busy chasing him around all night until of course he is moved to a nursing home.   Which should happen in a day or two.  We’re all torn up about the decision, especially my DS, who is charged with the care of dad.  But it truly is time.  The family has gotten to a point where they cannot function and take care of Dad as well.  Mostly because we need to sleep at night and we not addicted to dysfunctional behavior.  At least not all of us.  But that’s another blog, as they say. 

The Fire’s In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear
We’re all worried about how Dad will take the move.  Dad is nearly at a place where he won’t notice.  Where he currently lives most of the time he is in a dream world; where occasionally we the members of our family step in and out of the dream where Dad lives.  Dad sees people who aren’t there, he’ll tap you on the shoulder half expecting his hand to go right through you, like the midst he’s living in currently.  When you acknowledge his touch, Dad will smile with a surprised laugh.    And then he’ll start talking to someone who is not there.  It’s sad really, Dad can be so animated, that it’s hard to believe he is so ill.  But we know that he is very ill with AD.  And we all pray, in our own way, that the cure for AD is right around the corner.  Deep Breath…

So Beat It, Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
So tomorrow this time, there is a really good chance that Dad will be placed in a nursing home (Hopefully, not too far from where I live ((fingers crossed))).   So be a dear and keep your fingers crossed for our family that we make it through this next very painful step we’re in the midst of taking.  A few prayers would be welcomed as well. 

You Better Run, You Better Do What You Can
What’s been going on with me?  Well, glad you asked.  I’ve been working in a call center in the evenings.  It’s a nice job if you’re not looking for a challenge.  Truthfully, I’m just happy to be working!!!!  I’ve made a few good friends where I work.  The things that connect us are, our ages, our trials, and our tribulations.  We hang out at break time.  Just a short fifteen minute break.  Where we bring a snack, and share a few insights, laugh at each other and what not.  We’re all women between the ages of 50 and 65 years of age.  And there’s one guy in the same age group whom I’ve decided is studying us for a new docudrama he’s dreaming up.  He finds the way we relate to each other interesting.  huh.  That’s a new one.  Most times, middle age women just fade into the wood work.  So we’re all very amused with our audience. 

Don’t Wanna See No Blood, Don’t Be A Macho Man
Where  I work, most of the call center floor is filled with kids between ages 17 and 25 years of age.  My group of friends are dinosaurs compared to these kids.  But like cream, we all rose to the top of the call center numbers, and we dominate the top numbers.  All of us in my group we’re caught off guard by our current “recession/depression” depending on how you see it.  We all have carried respectable jobs in real industries in the past and find ourselves irreverent to the current job market.  So now we’re all working in the call center industry currently until the job market opens up again

You Wanna Be Tough, Better Do What You Can
What will I do next?  I dunno, but if there’s an open position for beach bum, I’m all over it!!    But I’ll probably go back to being a program manager for a local company in Kennedy Space Center, if I’m lucky.   What happened to my nursing dreams?  Well, I started working in a corporation again, and I’m reminded how much I loved my old job of Marketing Program Manager.  I think I’ll expand my skill set to include engineering program management by taking some new classes.  And I think I’ll return to my first love.  At least for the time being until the world ends in 2012.  (That’s a joke, don’t cha know.)  No, the worlds not going to end in 2012, but the polar axis just might shift.  We’ll see if there is any significance to that date at all.  Mother Earth is going through a change and it won’t hurt if you are prepared for a change of surroundings. 

So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad
There is sooo much I want to share with you about what’s been going on in my life.  So many words, so little time.  I promise to fill you in as we move through time.  Wishing you well on your journey. 

Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin’ How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn’t Matter Who’s Wrong Or Right
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It

Many Thanks to MJ for the use of his lyrics to “Beat It“.

Christmas 2008

016Hi All,

Merry Christmas!    That’s me on the left!  Hope your holiday started out with gentle words and caring family.  We started our Christmas out last night at Midnight Mass at the local catholic church.  It was a beautiful service, filled with musicians, music, all kinds of Christmas decorations and a beautiful mass to boot.  Here’s a pic for you.  001We were treated to much good music, including Handel’s Messiah.  In this pic you can see the choir and the altar in the background.  The slide on the wall tells us what the soloist is singing “O thou tellest Good Tidings from Handel’s Messiah.  Very beautiful.  The entire family went to midnight mass.  We sat right next to the choir as we usually do.  That was we can always hear them.  A good time was had by all.  When we arrived home at 1:30 am, we had a sandwich and a cup of milk and headed to bed.  Opening presents had to wait till the morning.  The only person really disappointed by this edic was Brody.  He decided to stay up all night in order to open his presents as soon as possible.  When I checked on him again at 3 am, he was thankfully asleep!

Brody models a new pair of jeans for Christmas in the morning.  Everyone received a lot of Christmas presents, except for the cat “Cleo”.  We did serve her Tuna for breakfast which seemed to make her happy for the moment.

006At 9 am preparation begins with the Turkey for Dinner.  The Turkey is cooked on the outside  gas grill, Dinner will be at approximately 5pm.  Christmas presents were opened after the dinner was prepared.  The rule this year was to keep Christmas simple and not buy a lot of gifts.  Somehow, this rule was forgotten.   Every one had Christmas presents under the tree.   Grandpa found a wool hat from Ireland, to help him stay warm.  Brody a flash drive and mom a new purse.  Everyone was thrilled with their gifts.  It was a good day with little to no arguing.  God is Good. 

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Day.  024

We’re Family, Me and You!

Hey Gang, It’s December 18th and tomorrow is my 51st birthday!  Thought I should share that with you!  I dunno why, may because as I get up in years people make less and less of a fuss about you.  It could be the selfish part of myself talking. 

Update on me:  My Dad went into the hospital again last weekend with pneumonia.  My sister and I had a horrific fight during the hospital stay, not about Dad, we were both sleep deprived and raw after being in the hospital all night watching the staff restrain our father.   Dad was mis-behaving in the hospital and refused to be admitted.  It was a terrible scene to watch.  Dad was delusional most of the time and was imagining that he was being taken as a prisoner of war or being tackled as a running back with the Chicago bears.  Neither of these things actually ever happened to him, but with alzheimers, the disease actually re-writes part of their memory.  So what was true gets mixed in with stuff that never happened.  Dad was in the Korean was – was never taken as prisoner of war, and played running back in Highschool, but was drafted before he could go to college.  He returned to college when he returned from Korea.  The Chicago Bears are Dad’s favorite football team.

I found the experience of watching my father being restrain and medicated into oblivion very distressful.  And inhumane.  My friend, D. Who used to be a nurse assistant explained to me what it was best for the patient.  It was a safety issue.  Additionally the staff called Social Services on us, because I didn’t want my father restrained.  My sister may never forgive me, for Social Services being called.  She felt it was a stamp of White Trash.  I shrugged my shoulders because I knew she only felt that way because of the judgment she placed on me, all the times my ex-husband called social services on me, with my son.  Just another fun thing single mothers have to go through unnecessarily. 

003I’ve started a new job, as a Marketing Representative for a local promotion company.  I sell advertising.  This is a reason my blogs have slowed down somewhat.  I’ve been busy pet sitting and working the new job at the same time.  Busy, very busy.  But it’s all good. 

Last night while I was working, a hugh spider appeared here where I am pet sitting.  I don’t know what kind of spider it was, but I’m guessing it was a wolf spider.  It was as big as my hand.  Since it wasn’t poisonous, I let the cats play with it.  Don’t worry, they didn’t have a chance to kill ispiny-orb-weavert.  Here’s a pic for you.   Sorry my digital camera doesn’t take good pictures of tiny insects or spiders.  Interesting that the spiders eye reflected the camera flash.    I guess I’ll have to get one of those fancy cameras to take pictures of all the cool bugs they have here in Florida.  Unlike anything I’ve ever seen any where else in the country.  Here’s another pic (right), I pulled off the Internet of a spider I see all the time outside, when I walk the dog.  It’s called a spiny orb weaver.  Isn’t it cool?  It looks a little like a crab doesn’t it.  I find all these little creatures fascinating. 

Anyhow, that’s my story and I’m going to stick with it.  Good talking with you again.  Stay cool, the world is always going to try and drag you down.  Luv, You!

Silver Bells

City sidewalk, busy sidewalks.
Hey!  I’m having a really tough time reconciling that we’re already past Thanksgiving and we’re nearly to Christmas.  It’s just that it doesn’t feel like Christmas.  I don’t feel Jolly.  I’m not singing Christmas Carols.  In the community band where we been rehearsing Christmas Songs for at least six weeks now.  I feel no Christmas Spirit.  I even participated in the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.  Still no Christmas spirit.  What is wrong with me? 

Dressed in holiday style
I believe the problem lies in my heart.  I’ve let all the troubles of the world invade my heart and weigh it down.  It’s not that I feel sad, it’s just I don’t feel anything at all.  Just the weight of the world.  Though I do know it’s good to think about others instead of ourselves.  Though I think that Christmas time is a time to reflect on the Miracle of Christmas! 

In the air
The Miracle of Christmas, even the words themselves have a glow to them.  In the sky, a great star light up for all to see,  great wise men follow the star to a little baby wrapped in rags for warmth.  The setting is that of the poorest of the poor.  A young mother watches over her little one making sure it is safe and fed well. 

There’s a feeling
We forget in our fear that when Jesus the Christ was crucified on the cross there was an insurrectionist hanging on either side of him.  Don’t believe me?  Read it, it’s in the bible.  Somethings never change. 

Of Christmas
And next to the little baby wrapped in rags and the young mother is a gentle older man making sure both these treasures are safe.  For that is his greatest concern.  Keeping his small family safe and well-cared for in this stable, where they stopped for the night. 

Children laughing,
Three wise men approached, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  The Father and young mother marveled in their heart on how God was caring for them in a small stable in the city of David, surrounded by all the animals who sleep and eat in the stable.  These gifts the wise man brought would help them in the future provide for their journey to Egypt to escape King Herod insane edicts to slay all the first-born children.  But of course, the father and young mother didn’t know that then.  They simply trusted God in His Wisdom to show them the way. 

People passing,
And guess what, God kept them safe in a time, where there was little to none safety to be found.  A small family with only the clothes on their back, a donkey to carry them and meals as God provided them.  And it was a real miracle.  Born in our hearts on Christmas Day.   I guess it’s not so difficult to get in the Christmas spirit after all.   

Meeting smile after smile,159
I think one of the reasons, I’m lagging behind in Christmas spirit is because I’m separated from my son right now.  He’s in California with his Dad, and I’m in Florida with my Dad (small grin).  I miss him, it won’t feel like the holidays till he joins us for Christmas.  Loving you, my son, from a distance.  Hoping you’ll be in the Christmas spirit soon when you come to visit.

and on every street corner you’ll hear
Wishing you all the finest the miracle of Christmas can offer you and your loved one this holiday season.    If you think of it, please pay this message forward where you can.  Much Love to you and your family!

Silver bells, silver bells
It’s Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them sing
Soon it will be Christmas day.

We give Thanks!

* If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof
overhead and a place to sleep … you are richer than 75% of this world.

* If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in
a dish someplace … you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.

* If you woke up this morning with more health than illness … you
are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

* If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness
of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation…
you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

* If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment,
arrest, torture, or death … you are more blessed than three billion
people in the world.

* If your parents are still alive and still married … you are very
rare, even in the United States.

* If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly
thankful … you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.

* If you can hold someone’s hand, hug them or even touch them on the
shoulder … you are blessed because you can offer healing touch.

* If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing
in that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore, you are more
blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.

Isn’t this a wonderful day to give thanks?

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!0171














Before and after Thanksgiving!



Alligators all around, alligators all around.

An interesting sign I ran across while taking my Dad to his doctor’s appointment.  You won’t see this sign in too many places. 

Kind of a slow day today.  Dad got up early and went to his Senior Center with few hiccups.  Dad seemed to be doing well, his memory was still impaired, but he did remember the basics. 

 A small flock of Ibis around the pond this morning.  Now that we’re in fall the birds seem to be arriving at the pond much later in the morning.  I saw a Fed Ex Truck sitting next to the pond and it seemed the driver had taken to the birds as much as I had. 

It did rain most of the day, it was a really blustery, windy day.   I made butternut squash soup for dinner.  It was delicious!!  And we had two quarts left over when we were done!!  I love butternut squash soup, it’s so good (At least I think so! ( – :)!!  Dad and I went grocery shopping in the evening, it was a good work out for Dad.   He was really tired after wards and went right to bed, after he took his meds and insulin. 

My recipe for Butternut Squash Soup is really easy.  Here it is: 

1 stick of unsalted butter
70 ounces (give or take) chicken stock
2 to 3 medium size butternut squash
1 Medium onion

Cut up Butternut Squash in to halves, and set in boiling water on stove.  When you can puncture them with a fork easily, they are done.  Remove them from the boiling water and peel off the skin. 
Cut up Medium onion and saute in the one stick of butter until onions are caramelized in a large 4 quart pot.   When the onions are done, add the chicken stock and simmer.  When the Butternut Squash is tender, cut up in to smaller squares and add to chicken stock.  Allow the squash to continue to tenderize as it cooks.  When the squash is fully cooked, take a potato masher and mash the squash in the chicken stock.  If you have a hand blender, please use this instead of the potato masher, as it will lend it self to a creamier textured soup.  Allow the soup to cool 10 minutes before serving. 

This is a really nutritious soup filled with fiber and vitamin A.  It’s perfect in Autumn when the squash is in season.  There is really nothing compared to the flavor of fresh Butternut Squash.  The recipe can be easily modified, to suit your taste.  I believe when the recipe originally came to me, it required two (2) sticks of butter.  However, I think it tastes great with just the one stick of unsalted butter.   BTW, I believe nutmeg would be an excellent addition to this recipe.  I haven’t tried it yet.  But it seems like it’d be a good fit.

Good Bye Lucy, You will be missed by many…

I take a moment to remember a grand Lady who has recently passed on to a better world.  Lucy, we’re going to miss you a lot.  Continued prayers for her family during this time of mourning.    This photo is from her Living Wake, which was recently held for her in Maine.  The world will be a different place with out Lucy.  Lucy is my son’s grandmother and my ex husband’s Mother. 


Lucy passed on 9/19/08 at 10:20 am

A Poem written by Mary Jane Newell (her daughter) on the passing of Lucy Robbins,


Our much loved Mother died today,

How much we’ll miss her, I can not say..

The sweetest Mother she has always been,

With wise words of wisdom now and again.

Her life was full , she was loved by all,

But she left us behind to answer the call..

To a better life than she had known,

Happy to see that her children all grown.

Her sons and daughters , she loved them  best,

And friends and strangers  and all the rest.

Kind and happy and full of fun,

She leads us on a journey just begun.

We all will miss her , our hearts are sore

But most of all, we love her more….



Well my Saturday is starting out slowly, just the way I like it.  We have a new visiting dog today.  His name is “Dozer”.  We’re guessing he got this name from the way he looks (Bulldozer).  He’s an English Bulldog.  He’s snoring away underneath my chair.  The dogs always come into my room when everyone is out.  They don’t like to be alone.  Neither do I.  I enjoy their company. 

I had the most amazing dream last night.  It was so beautiful that it’s still in my head.  Almost in a haunting way. 

I dreamed that these floating Statues came to earth from an unknown race and unknown planet.  They are very beautiful statues.  Looking much like the Greek statues of the past.  The one that I find the hardest to forget was a statue of a muscular man holding up a massive piece of earth – Memories of Hercules, eh?  The statues were massive and it was quite evident that it took an incredible technology to plant them in space so that they would naturally flow through the universe.  The floating statues were first reported by a Latin country, where I happened to be visiting.  I remember reading a newspaper article about them.  I stole the paper, so I could finish the article. 

I don’t know what this dream means, if anything.  However, I usually don’t remember dreams this clearly after I wake up, unless I write them down right away.  Something I was unable to do this morning.  I have a feeling this dream may be symbolic that we are entering the age where we become “AWARE” that there are other worlds out there, other people,  other races.  I’d be interested in learning your take on the dream, if you feel so led to share. 

Well I’m off to run some errands.  First the library, Second – Target and lastly the Post Office.  Wishing you a good day!!

Snowy Egret, Blue Heron, and Ibis oh my…

Saw the movie Ghost Town with my Dad this evening.  It was a good movie and I heartily recommend it.  It was VERY FUNNY.   I’ll give it four out of five stars

I also recently saw “Burn after reading”; I have nothing good to say about this movie.  I should note that I really don’t get farces for the most part, which is how this movie is described. Why did I see it?  I saw a misleading review.  From now on, I’m sticking with Reelz movie mob.  They always steer me to the good movies. 

You know, I don’t write about my daily interactions with my Dad because I’m concerned that, what I say might be demeaning to my Dad.  Let’s face it, most of the time, you’ll find me and my dad in dialog where I’m repeating myself over and over again.  And it either because of Dad’s poor hearing where he can’t hear the high tones on my voice OR because he’s forgotten what I told him just two beats ago.  All in all it can be very trying on the nerves. 

The picture below left is of a Floridian white Ibis that we see all over the place.  Florida really has the prettiest birds.  I just love looking at the birds!  We always see them in the early morning around the pond near our house.  There is always a small flock looking for breakfast.  The picture below right is of a large flock of Ibis, usually we only see numbers of 2, 3, or 4, sometimes as many as six on a daily basis.  We see a number of great blue heron or the snowy egret as well.  I’ll need to find you a picture of these birds.  The Snowy Egret is so beautiful, there are days when it takes my breath away.  I can also see two or three Osprey nest from my bedroom window.  We do have a number of Osprey in the area.   Amazing preditory birds.  Oh and lets not forget the Turkey Vultures, circling around their latest meal, thousands of miles above in the sky.  I’m sorry to see so much development going on in Florida, because you know what that’ll mean to these birds.  It’s really too bad we’re not more empowered to stop development that destroys our beautiful land. 

 Here is a good web site to view all the bird’s I mention from Florida.  http://stevesbirding.blogspot.com/2006_08_01_archive.html

Wishing you well.

They tried to make me go to rehab but I said ‘no, no, no’

Another visit to Rehab.  Well actually it’s the Health and Rehab Center.  Really for all practical purposes, it was a nursing home for Seniors.   It was Caitlyn’s final test day to become a therapy dog.  Yes, our little Caitlyn, My Dad’s Dog, a Shitzu, is going to be a Hospice Therapy Dog.  We’re so proud of Caitlyn.  Well, at least we have all the paperwork completed.  Now we just need to wait for the final approval from the Therapy Dogs group in Colorado. 

Yes I’ve been black but when I come back you’ll know know know
Caitlyn has quite a way with the seniors.  She is so small and cute, it’s hard not to be drawn to her, to feel her fluffy fur and her wet little nose.  Caitlyn prances around the nursing home and when she is stopped by a senior in a wheel chair,  …She’s a little nervous at first.  Then she relaxes and let them pet her all over. 

I ain’t got the time and if my daddy thinks I’m fine
Caitlyn is most comfortable when she visits someone in their room.  She makes herself right at home, at their feet or the foot of their bed. 

He’s tried to make me go to rehab but I won’t go go go
Allowing dogs to visit in nursing homes.  It’s a therapy that you now find is more welcomed than it has been in the past.  They use it to draw the Seniors out of their shells.  Feeling a nice wet nose will do that to you when you’re somewhere you’d rather not be.  Like the hospital or a nursing home.  Dogs have this wonderful ability to give unconditional love.  And this is the reason, they are welcome to visit.


Many Thanks to Amy Winehouse for the use of her lyrics.