Tag Archives: Healing

Embrace your Darkness (+ – :The Science of Happiness cont)

Luke, Luke, I am Your Father.  
Believe it or not, this is one of the stops on the paths to wholeness and healing.   (Embracing your Dark side) that is. 

It may be Darkness, but it’s still a part of You.
This is one of the more important steps in healing yourself.  Your Dark Side, the one you keep hidden in your closet or underneath your bed.  Take it out and walk around the block.  Get to know it.  Analyze it, find out why it’s so important it remain hidden.  What is the worst thing that could happen if anyone found out about your darkness??  Make a list of what could happen.  Analyze it and see what real evidence of danger exist. 

Darkness,  What Darkness? 
Oh, wait, uh, you don’t have a Dark Side?  Oh, pardon me.  I thought you knew, EVERY BODY HAS A DARK SIDE.  You know it’s that part of ourselves we’ve been taught to be ashamed of – its those little imperfections that you think no one knows about. 

It’s a Drag
Why drag your darkness out into the light??  This is the path to wholeness.  This is how your heal yourself and become whole.  By acknowledging your darkness and inviting this darkness to re-integrate with the rest of yourself resulting in a healed, whole self.   

Do I know you?
Any part of yourself, that you disassociate from, by denying it existence becomes like a canker sore on the end of your nose; the more your deny it’s existence, the larger it grows.  Pretty soon it’s so big, you can’t deny it’s existence any longer…to yourself, or anyone else.  And then it becomes this truly embarrassing thing when it pops and you have yuk all over your face.   When all you had to do in the first place was wash your face and apply some hydrogen peroxide.  First acknowledge the darkness, then you can best address how to treat it.

Healing yourself by blogging

Talked to my friend Sherry (names changed to protect privacy) today.  Haven’t spoken to her in a long while.  It always helps to speak to a friend you can trust about a subject you’re unsure about.  I asked Sherry about my blog.  Was it okay?  Sherry told me about another place where one can blog to heal themselves.  It’s called Caring Bridge http://www.caringbridge.org/.  Many of the contributors are from families who have a member suffering from Cancer.   The families find that by blogging, it helps them release the pain of watching a family member struggle with cancer; it also helps them connect with other families who are going through similar trials. 

I remember early 2008, l would speak to Sherry weekly and Sherry is a very open, helpful, spiritual person.    And she would share with me how one of her co-workers son was doing.  His son was very young (6 years old I believe) and was diagnosed with a type of cancer of the blood.   The family went through hell watching their beautiful young child succumb to cancer.  Through out the entire time the family blogged about the experience.  In a way it really helped them heal themselves.  It also helped them connect to other families suffering similar situations.  Lastly, the blog became a legacy for the family to go back and reflect on the experience while reflecting on the lost family member.

It turned out that the Blogging was a wonderful tool to help the family reach out to the community.  If you have ever lost a family member to cancer, you know it can be very isolating. 

Wishing you all a healthy blogging experience.