Tag Archives: Brevard County

Saturday, in the Park


1stplacewinnerIn Cocoa Village, FL yesterday, it was a beautiful day and I stumbled upon an event that was both well attended, fun and entertaining.    The Coastal Poodle Rescue.  You can see by the samathabesthat1picture that it’s a beautiful day.    The event was sponsored by the Brevard County Poodle Rescue.   

Dog Training Club  http://www.bcdtc.org also was there and did an elaborate demonstration.  The Brevard County Dog Training Club (bcdtc) offers all kinds of wonderful dog training classes including:  Puppy Head Start Kindergarten for puppies 10-16 weeks old; Also Basic Obedience for the new dog or owner;  a Rally Class for the handler who wants to continue with the basics of training. 

At the event there was a Easter Pet Parade, Demonstrations of dog obedience and training, and all kinds of pets dressed up for frontdeskthe best costume and hat award.   Samantha in the purple hat and dress won first prize for best Easter Bonnet, she and her dogie did an excellent job (Please see pic above).  Next we had an award for best Doggie Costume, here’s a pic of the winners.    (see pic to the left with the two doggies in purple satin costumes.) 


crowd2There were  all kinds of great dogie floats for the Pet Parade.    And many, many more Pets and their owners dressed up for the costume award.  Unfortunately there are too many pictures to show on this blog.  The event was fun, enjoyable and well attended.  The only person we did not see there was YOU.  Well, perhaps next year…

When Good Pets go Bad! – the Homeless Pet Crisis in America

No one has better defined how best to manage our situation with homeless Pets in America better than Mr. Albert Einstein. “”A human being is a part of a whole, called by us -universe-, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Not withstanding is our own Brevard County Space Coast Feline Network (SCFN) who care for all the Feral cat colonies in the Space Kennedy Center (approx. 10,000 cats). This care include spaying and neutering all the animals as a solutions to the population control. Veterinary care for sick cats and food to keep them healthy. The cats are checked for Feline Leukemia, and Rabies.   I remember so clearly when volunteering for another totally unrelated Animal Shelter in San Jose, California and learning their policy for feral cats was simply to destroy them. Death Camps for our helpless lost and homeless pets. That was an idea, I couldn’t get behind, so I ended up never really completing the volunteering process for that Animal shelter.
Now I have the good fortune to discover Space Coast Feline Network’s No-Kill Shelter in my area, I just moved here six months ago from California. This is an idea I can support and get behind. I view the No-Kill animal shelters as humane and compassionate. If you’d like to help, please sign the petition for Brevard County to become a no-kill county please sign this petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/Make-Brevard-No-Kill-County.   God Bless You and Merry Christmas!!




They Get it! They really, really get it!

Today I had the best experience at the Doctor’s office. 

I just moved to this area in Florida.  And I think trying to find a new doctor that you’re happy with is a really difficult thing if you happen to be a person who self-pays and has no insurance.

For example:  I called a local clinic and requested a new patient appointment.  The receptionist asked:  “What kind of insurance do you have?”  I replied, “I don’t have insurance.  I’m a self pay.”  The receptionist replied, “I’m sorry, we’re not taking new patients at this time.”  How Rude, I thought. 

Not one to give up so easily, I asked a local member of the community if they could recommend a doctor.  And this person recommended  an internal medicine doctor at a local hospital.  I made the appointment, and was completely delighted.  The cost for the appointment was actually very affordable.  And this doctor directed me to a lab for blood tests that was also very affordable

And so because of their commendable medical practices for the working poor; insured with high deductibles; and just all around those who in general would like access to health care and don’t mind paying a reasonable, affordable fee.  I am awarding the special “They get it” award to Health First in Brevard County for offering accessible health care to the Regular Josephina (aka Regular Joe’s) in the world. 

Here is your award for making the world a beautiful place  Health First!! It may not seem like much at first, but it is a very beautiful Butterfly.     Keep up the good work Health First.  You never know who will recognize your good works next.