Tag Archives: “The other Boleyn girl”

Well, Of course I did, but then I said…

Well, as I mentioned earlier, I worked in the garage yesterday.  Making room for a car.  And remember I live in Florida, so the garage has bugs.  I have a thing about bugs.  Yes, I know they’re God’s creatures and they deserve a place on this earth.  But I don’t like them.  I kept finding these little tiny Beatles all over the place.  If you’d open a box, there’d be like a hundred of them rolling around in the bottom of the box.  Ugh. 

Last night as I slept I dreamed of tiny little brown Beatles in my hair, crawling all over me.  I didn’t sleep well.  I kept waking up and brushing off my arms, my face,… 

Today I had a placement exam at school.  I thought it went okay.  My reading comprehension and sentence structure was in the 92 percentile.  But my algebra needed help.  So back to basic-Algebra for me.  But I think if I had slept better last night I would have gotten a better score all around. 

Now if I did have OCD, not saying if I do or do not, I would apply my OCD to the bug problem in the Garage.  First, I’d order Martha Stewart’s latest book on organizing your garage (I love you Martha!!!).  Then I’d move everything out of the garage and clean the floors and walls.  Then move the shelving back into the…

Oh, I know you don’t want to hear this.  But this is what I’m thinking all night as I try to fall asleep. 

Unfortunately they do not offer a degree in Nutrition at the local community college or the local University.  So I still have that piece of the puzzle to figure out. 

I decided to study Nutrition for a number of reasons.  First, I am passionate about nutrition.  I love reading new books on nutrition.  My favorite is Michael Pollan’s book “In Defense of Foods” ; Wow, what a powerful book(five out of five stars)!!!  I just loved that book.  I love it so much, when I finished reading it, I didn’t sell it on eBay.  (I sell all my books on eBay). 

Which brings me to my next great purchase, an Amazon Kindel.  I’m waiting for the price to drop a bit.  When they first came out on the market they were $400.00 each.  They are so great, you can load hundreds of electronic books on this device.  Most book downloads are $9.99 or less.  This is the perfect gift for someone who loves books.   

Oh and while we’re on the topic of books, I’m almost done with the book “The Other Boleyn Girl”.  I was getting board reading it and so I am guilty of the cardinal sin of reading books – I jumped to the last chapter to see what happens…  And bad new girls… Anne Boleyn is beheaded in the last chapter of the book.  I’m so filled with sob,…. I can hardly bring myself to complete the book.   Actually, no, Anne Boleyn is not the kind of character about whom you feel connected.  I think the author does a good job in this book(4 out of 5 stars).  Kudos to  Philippa Gregory.  I really feel a lot of empathy for all the characters in her book. 

Anyway I digress.  Back to why I’m interested in nutrition.   Well, I am fascinated with food and how it can heal the body.  And I’m hoping to pursue a degree in Nutrition and perhaps get my masters at UCBerkley, If I move back to California.  We’ll see…

What’s the metaphor for one piece missing??

Hot day today.  Temperature was up to 93 degrees.  It was a typical day.  I’m reading a new book “The Other Boleyn girl” by Philippa Gregory.  It’s a very good read so far.  I’m really engaged. 

Dad and I went to church per our usual. 

Brody stayed home and cut the grass around the house.  He did a good job. 

Later, Dad, Brody and I went out to lunch.  After wards we came home and went for a swim.  It turned out to be a very relaxing day. 

Brody’s Aunt and Uncle finished their puzzle.  Only problem was, one puzzle piece seemed to be missing.  So we’re still searching for that one piece.  I’m sure it will show up soon.