Tag Archives: Presidential Candidate

Bogus emails and discrediting lies…

If this is what being wrong looks like, I’m glad someone told me I was wrong.  Here is the progession of information I received regarding Senater McCain.


A well-meaning friend sent me this negative email about Senater McCain, Here’s what it said: 

MLG (name changed to protect identity) is a
literature  and classics professor at XXXX. She is asking people to
send the letter she wrote far and wide.


It was just before John McCain’s last run at the
presidential  nomination in 2000 that my husband and I vacationed in Turtle Island  in Fiji with John McCain, Cindy, and their children,
including  Bridget (their adopted Bangladeshi child)…. (the rest of the email has been deleted because it is not apropo.)

That’s how the email started out.  I forwarded the email after calling the phone number at the bottom and checking out UC to see if she was really employed there.  She was. 

Forwarded the email to a friend who unbeknown to me, knew John McCain.  My friend took immediate steps to clear up McCain’s name.  Here is what she wrote. 

Hello MK,
I received this email from a dear friend and wanted to let you know I have known John and Cindy for many years.  John has never ever said a word against his daughter,  He has always said how proud he has been of her.  Cindy loves to brag how wonderful Meghan, Jack, Jimmy, and Bridget are.  They are good people, they are committed to change this country and John has been in public service not to fill his own pockets, but to help others. Cindy goes all over the world doing charity work and encourages her kids to give of themselves.  Sarah and Todd are hard working and love people, and believe me, she is enthusiastic about people and making the lives of others better.  No matter if you are a Democrat or Republican, all of us need to come together and help each other in these days.
John has a wicked sense of humor and sometimes people take it the wrong way.
If John and Cindy along with Sarah and Todd are elected to serve in the next month, you will be surprised how good they will be.
Cindy went to school in your area and recieved her undergraduate degree in Education and a Master’s in Special Education from the University of Southern California. She is sharp and has a keen sense of the needs of others.
I hope you will be able to forgive John for his shortcomings and wish him well in his future service to our country, no matter how things go in the election.
I wish you the best in your work, take care.
D (name removed to protect identity) 


Here is what MKG replied with: 

I have received thousands of emails and phone calls about the Turtle Island account.

I did NOT write that account, forward it under my name, or ask for it to be widely distributed.

I have never been to Turtle Island (which costs $2000/day), have never met Senator    McCain, was a classics major, not an English Literature major, and never eat pancakes.

I regret the misinformation which is circulating, but it is not my doing, and I protest the misuse of my name.

How I think this happened: on 16 September I received this account 3rd-hand and forwarded it, with full email trail information and the name of the purported author (whom I don’t know), to several friends with whom I discuss politics. It was further forwarded, and at some point the trail was deleted and I was misidentified as the author. I suspect whoever did this thought that my name and contact information would make the story more credible.

Snopes.com is investigating the account; current status “undetermined.”

This is NOT an organized effort on the part of any political candidate.

I hope you will pass this information on to anyone interested in this story.

And finally, the story itself isn’t necessarily false. But we’ll never know unless the author herself comes forward.



I think this is good news that I witness this rumour being stopped in it’s tracks.  I was undecided about who to vote for, and as it turns out I have a friend who lives in the same state where John McCain is Senator.  So I have good source to learn more about John McCain. 

Here’s another email my friend sent me. 

John is my Senator here in AZ–he has an office both here in Tucson and up in Phoenix. I first met him years ago when I worked for him  in re-election and now for this campaign.  I met Sarah and Todd  a few weeks ago at a gathering in Scottsdale. Trig is the cutest baby you have ever seen and quite a poop machine =)
 His wife Cindy is a trip and she is not the reserved person you see on TV or in magazines–she has a wild side and races cars. She will be a great First lady- she has class, she is compassionate, she can get dirty with the best of them. Hell, she and Sarah together could run the country on their own!
These people are just like us- they care deeply about where the country is going and want desperately to see things change.  He is not going to continue the “Bush” doctrine. When you sit down with him, his eyes are determined and true. He looks you right in the eye when he talks to you.
The guy is honest to a fault. He isn’t a firey speaker like Obama, but he is a quiet force to be reckoned with.  He knows what is ahead and he has the experience and the steady hand to lead.  If/When he is elected, he fully intends to shake up Wahington.  There will be no more free ride for Congress and the Senate- those guys have been living fat and sassy for way too long.
Yes, things will change, and as you can see are already changing- the problem in Wall Street has been in the works a long time.
I love the guy and think he will be wonderful.  Sarah is fresh, energetic and has a passion for people.  She and John have shed tears over this election because they see something good in the cards for America and want to  get us back to being strong, self sufficent for our energy needs and help people get back to feeling better about themselves.
Obama has all this money behind him–did you think he raised that all here?  It is only this past week that Bill and Hillary CLinton have really gotten out there and started campaigning for him. The Democratic party used to be the ‘Blue” collar party of the people and Republicans were the upper crust–now we are seeing corruption left and right. When the dust settles, it is hard to know who is on our side.
There are people in Washington who got there because they stepped over and on top of people to raise themselves up to be big cheeses. 
The truth will come out  despite the fact that no body can get background on Obama. People see a firey speaker and hear great words, but he will have Biden steering the ship.  I want a guy in the presidents chair who will work and not just keep it warm and let someone else do the driving. We don’t need that. We need someone who will get dirty and bloody and sweat a little.  John McCain will not even flinch at the responsibility- he is strong, he will put people in their place and he will fire lazy, freeloaders who stand to gain for themselves ans not for the people they are working for.
Washington has not seen the likes of what aJohn McCain can do and will do- He will chase people out of power who are there for themselves. Get a comfy chair and a drink- because this will be worthy to watch and be a part of the reformation of this country.
No one wants things to get worse,but they will get worse before they get better. Sometimes things have to hit bottom for a new beginning.
We have about 4 weeks- this is not the time for sniveling and fear- it is a time to put one’s hand to the task and move mountains.
Now I will get off my soapbox and return to regular programming.
I would prefer not to be in the blog- I am not comfortable with that.
I used to be a Democrat, then was a Rebuplican–now I took off my party affiliation and look into the eyes of a candidate and I want the one who won’t sugarcoat things, will tell me the truth, and will hold my hand, and reassure me that it will be ok while it looks like a warzone around me.
I want a “real man” and not “a boy.”
Talk to you later,



Anyways, that’s the whole tale.  Vote for whom you choose.  Just be well informed.

Wishing you every good thing!!

Life is fragile, Handle with Prayer…

Results of Prayer Project
The results are back from the Prayer Project.  As a recap, I’m engaged in an on-line class on Prayer.  The Class began at the end of September.  One of our first projects was to start a small project involving planting seedlings.   All the seeds planted were Sage.  One Plant was chosen as the subject for the prayer project.  The Subject seedling were Prayed over.  The other three seeds planted were the control group (no prayers were said for this group). 

The results were that the Subject blossomed on October 5th.  The control did not bloom until October 11th.  Thus the Subject that was prayed over, bloomed a full six (6) days before the control group. 

Our project did demonstrate that prayer does make a significant difference. 


The upcoming Presidential Election

What are the issues??  Here they are, not necessarily listed in the order of importance.  To learn more about each of these issues by Presidential Candidate please go to:  http://uspolitics.america.gov/uspolitics/elections/issues.html  We need to understand our each Candidate says they will address each issue.  And if the Candidate does not address the issue in an adequate way, we need to get them to address the full issue. 

Energy and Climate Change?

The Economic Crash – How will we resolve the crisis?

The Iraq War – What is our next step regarding the War??


Health Care


International Relations

