Category Archives: High Technology

Live Simply, so others may simply live. A High Tech Hang-up!

Whoa, I’ve been spending my energies in a different direction of late.  I’ve just discovered “play lists”  and so I spend a lot of time creating new play lists.  Wow!  This is fun.  I wish Word press had an “Add Play list” function.  That would be cool. 

I’m one of those people who believes “Live Simply so others can Simply live” but the problem is that it clashes with my High Tech Side.  Yes, that’s right, my dream is to be a minimalist, but with a computer, of course and perhaps an iphone, Okay, okay, okay, maybe it should be the G1 (that’s minimalist me talking).  But secretly I’m salivating over the Iphone (shhhh, don’t tell anyone).  Me love Iphone ( – :

Oh and don’t even get me started on the Kindle.  Amazon’s Kindle, an electronic book reader.  Its great because, think of all the trees you’d save and every book is $9.99.  You’d save a bundle as well on books.  Yeah, I know you can go to the library.  Which I do, every week.  But all my favorite books are all out and I have to wait weeks for them. 

Boy, if we ever have some global earth crisis that causes a calamity causing us to have to live without any electricity, I’m going to be sooo screwed.  If I become a homeless person, you’ll see me sitting on the corner of a busy city with a sign [Will work for electricity] as I drag all my electronic equipment around with me. 

Maybe I should learn about Solar energy and how to convert it to regular electricity,  then maybe I could make it all work.  Our local Community College does offer a degree in Solar Energy.  Maybe that’s what I should do??? 

The reason I justify that I need an IPhone is because I’m spatially challenged (I can get lost in a phone booth).  And when I’m lost, well I could just look at my Iphone for directions.  Cool huh.  Well that’s it.  Also, I could blog from my phone.  (That’d be cool).

I didn’t even mention my digital camera.  My family is sick of me always taking pictures all the time.  My Dad always says, You’re wasting film.  Then I get to tell him about the neat technology called a memory card.  (Do you not love it!)  Dad just shakes his head and acts confused (because his personal memory card is a little messed up – Alzheimer). 

My favorite thing to do with people is to start showing friends, pictures on my camera, and they keep waiting to me to come to the end of the pictures, but what they don’t know is —my memory card is 1GB.  I can store hundreds of pictures on this baby. 

Picture it, people trying to be polite viewing all your stupid pet pictures and after about 60 pictures, they’re like, how many pictures do you have???  I have learned not to inflict my pictures on the general public with out careful evaluation. 

More stupid pet pictures
Cleo my cat being coy with her new Halloween costume.   Oh yes, it’s that time of year again.  Torture the pets by making them wear halloween costumes.  Don’t you love it?