Tag Archives: Alzheimer’s

McCain: Bring The Budget to Balance by 2013

These words are music to my ears!  Is it possible??  Well it will require super human strength.  We are 55 trillion dollars in debt as a nation. 

How does John McCain propose he’ll do this? 

1) Reasonable economic growth. Growth is an imperative – historically the greatest success in reducing deficits (late 1980s; late 1990s) took place in the context of economic growth.

2)  Comprehensive spending controls. Bringing the budget to balance will require across-the-board scrutiny of spending and making tough choices on new spending proposals.

3)  Bi-partisanship in budget efforts. Much as the late 1990s witnessed bipartisan efforts to put the fiscal house in order, bi-partisan efforts will be the key to undoing the recent spending binge.

To learn more about how John McCain intends to Reform Washington to Regain the Trust of Taxpayers go to:  http://www.johnmccain.com/Issues/JobsforAmerica/reform.htm

More about Dad
How Dad is doing?  Dad is still fighting off the chest cold.  Today, he stayed in bed all day.  Tomorrow, I’ll be taking him to the doctor’s again.  Dad and I took a little ride in the car today, just to get out of the house.  We stopped by the Optical store to pick-up some glasses we ordered about a week ago.  They look really great on Dad.   We also stopped by this great produce market on the way home and picked-up a large bag of Florida oranges.  To help Dad fight off his cold. 

Oh!  I almost forgot to tell you.  I play in this local community band and Sunday I went to a band concert for another local band.  At the concert I ran into a lady that also plays in the community band with me.  She showed a lot of interest in Dad.  Dad didn’t really seem to notice.

Dad takes us for a ride

Dad recuperating in the Sun outside by the pool.  Nothing like the warm sun to chase away a bad cold.

Last Night, at 4:27 AM Dad’s dog, Caitlyn woke me up because Dad had left the house!!  I got the whole family up and we were running around in the dark looking for Dad.  We found him in one of the cars on the passenger side.  He was sound asleep. 

I was grateful we found him safe and sound.  From now on we’re going to turn on the house alarm, so that if a door opens an alarm will sound. 

We’re all a little tired today, Dad included.  Dad sits outside in the warm Sun for a couple of hours everyday to help with his cold. 

Local News
In central Florida the news is filled daily for the last three months with the case of Casey Anthony.  Casey Anthony the mother of Caylee Anthony born August 9, 2005.  Caylee went missing and was last seen June 9, 2008.  Her mother never reported her daughter missing.  Casey’s family reported the missing granddaughter under protest of the mother.  The missing three year old was reported missing July 15, 2008 under protest of the mother Casey Anthony. 

First of all, this case does not show the media at it’s finest.  Desperate for news, the media plays out the drama in the news on a daily basis or sometimes hourly basis.  Yes, it is shocking, it shouldn’t have taken the law this much time to arrive at the conclusion that little Caylee is dead. 

Secondly, why hasn’t Casey been referred to a psychiatrist??  Casey’s own mother thinks she is a sociopath.  Why is she being allowed to coerce law enforcement into giving her extra time to find Caylee??  This is really baffling.  Additionally, the public is so outraged by this case they are actually showing up at the Anthony residence demonstrating their outrage of the case.  The Anthony family has actually been forced to take this to the courts as they have been assaulted by demonstrators outside their home. 

Is this a demonstration of Florida’s confidence in mental health care?? 

This may be the way the law worked one hundred years ago, but it certainly shouldn’t be working this way now.  I am amazed that this is playing out on the local news in this manner.

Boy, I’m really rung out emotionally.  I’ve been spending a lot of time in the hospital with my Dad and that can really wear you out at times.  Dad was released from the hospital today.  He is tired, but seems to be doing better on the antibiotics. 

I’ve been dealing with a lot of concerns about my Dad and that he may not be around forever.  I hate the thought of losing him.  Although I do realize that I may not have a choice. 

I pray that I might be strong if anything were to happen to dad.

True to myself

Life has come a long way since yesterday I say

Yesterday, when I took my Dad to the VA Clinic, the oddest thing….There was a huge Dragonfly inside the clinic.  It was so amazing, I took a picture.  (Well, I pretty much take a picture of everything.)  When ever I notice something unusual in nature, I look at it as it were a sign.  I asked my friend L, who is a native Inuit if she would interpret the sign of the dragonfly as significant.  Here is what she said.  “Yes, its very possible.  Dragonflies remind us that God has given us the means of transforming our metaphorical selves into dragonflies capable of winging off contentedly into a new world. (cont)”

And it not the same old thing over again I say
“Dragonfly’s appearance softly suggests change and is often symbolic of what it means to be light, reflective, and full of joy – in all senses of the words. Dragonfly medicine tends to be very emotional, and passionate, often accompanying a great revelation or discovery of self.”

Just do what you feel and don’t you fool yourself
The way I interpret what my friend so eloquently suggested is that this sign could indicate that we may be turning a corner with Dad.  Dad may be transforming from the Caterpillar to the butterfly soon.  (a nice way to put it.)  Lately Dad is in a delusional state a good amount of time.  Today while I sat with him in the hospital, while he was completely asleep he sang two (2) songs very loudly.  The first song was “Dixie” and the second song was “Glory, Glory, Alleluia!”.   

Cause I can’t make you happy unless I am I say I…
We used to all belong to a prayer group a long while ago.  That’s where he learned the second song.  The most amazing part of Dad singing the songs was he knew all the verses.  Dad is always talking about conversations he had with his mother (who died 30 years ago).  I don’t really consider this delusional, I simply think there are times when he has one foot in this world and the other foot in the next (world). 

 Many Thanks to Ziggy Marley for the use of the lyrics, from the Album:  Dragonfly

SNL and Tina Fey!
I’m still kicking myself for missing Saturday Night Live this last weekend.  I just love Tina Fey and her dramatization of Sarah Palin.  It’s really too funny.  I have SNL on the calendar for next weekend and I promise, I won’t miss it. 

18 Million Voters
Most recently, I have been seeing a lot of flaming blogs by women who are completely outraged by the assumption that Hillary’s 18 million voters will be moving over to the Sara Palin team??  REALLY?  No, not really.  They just don’t get this women voter.  You know the articulate, intelligent, experienced female who finally in our maturity understands that a women would be an excellent president; with the right skill set of course.  We’re not just talking about just any body.  While Sarah Palin may be an excellent debater, It takes a lot more experience to make the grade. 

Dad in Hospital
Dad is in the hospital again with another lung infection.  Please keep Dad in your prayers, as this is the third infection in just four months.  We hope we can get him over this infection permanently.  It’s always a little scary leaving Dad behind in the hospital.  He doesn’t remember why he’s there or if he will be allowed to go home soon.  It makes me a bit of a wreck worrying about him. 

Those of you following the prayer project will be happy to know that the “Love, Sage, Love” pot has started to blossom.  Here’s a pic for you to view.  Just as a recap, In a online forum I’m teaching about prayer, we have a little project where we pray over one plant and have a control group to compare against the other plants.   The object is to witness the difference prayer makes with the plants.  Thus far, our plant that we are praying over, has just thrown up a tiny little sprout.   The control group has not yielded any growth at all.  I realize this sounds a little bit simplistic.  However, when teaching people about Faith and prayer, the literal expression of prayer goes a long way to proving a point. 

 Wishing you all well this good day!

Movie Day

Hi!  Saw a few movies today.  First I saw “An American Carol” by Dave Zucker which I have no comment about.  I hardly knew what to think about that movie.  I’ll need to see it again before I say anything.  Then I went to see “Eagle Eye” with Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan.  And I must say, this was a good movie.  How do I describe it??  I believe it would fall under the category of Techno Thriller.  The story has been told before.  It was fun and exciting to watch.  Definitely a four out of five stars.  Especially when you figure out who the culprit was in the movie.  Don’t worry, I’m not giving it away.  The most impressive part was my Dad (with Alzheimer’s) was able to follow the movie.  Which is saying quite a lot.  I kept checking Dad through out the movie and he was truly engaged.  If he had not been, we would have left and saw a different film. 

Note:  to my regular readers.  Our latest challenge was in discovering what caused Dad’s blood sugar to spike, was His walking pneumonia.  Now that he’s on the mend.  His blood sugar is much more stable.  Additionally, his doctor instructed us to check his blood sugar in the evening and give him a slow acting insulin at that time as well.  This seems to help quite a bit.  Dad has been holding his own quite a bit more lately.  And those of you who care for people with Alzheimer’s know it is quite a feat for someone with Alzheimer’s to be able to follow a fast action movie. 

Lastly, I also watched “The Brave One” with Jodie Foster on HBO tonight (I know, I’m a movie hound). 

I’m also reading a really good book right now “Edgar Sawtelle” by Dave W. Roblewski.  Just so you know, I do other things than watch good movies. 

” The Brave One” with Jodie Foster was truly intense.  And I would say it’s definitely five out of five stars.  Through out the movie, you find yourself rooting for the vigilante, hoping she gets her guy.  There is a lot of violence in the movie.  The movie is portrayed in New York City. 

Most of all in watching the movie, if you’re someone like me, you wonder how people are able to tolerate the violence in the world today.  The Brave One portrays the world as a dark and dangerous place.  Jodie Foster does an excellent job with her character, and so does Terrence Howard, the detective in the story.


Well my Saturday is starting out slowly, just the way I like it.  We have a new visiting dog today.  His name is “Dozer”.  We’re guessing he got this name from the way he looks (Bulldozer).  He’s an English Bulldog.  He’s snoring away underneath my chair.  The dogs always come into my room when everyone is out.  They don’t like to be alone.  Neither do I.  I enjoy their company. 

I had the most amazing dream last night.  It was so beautiful that it’s still in my head.  Almost in a haunting way. 

I dreamed that these floating Statues came to earth from an unknown race and unknown planet.  They are very beautiful statues.  Looking much like the Greek statues of the past.  The one that I find the hardest to forget was a statue of a muscular man holding up a massive piece of earth – Memories of Hercules, eh?  The statues were massive and it was quite evident that it took an incredible technology to plant them in space so that they would naturally flow through the universe.  The floating statues were first reported by a Latin country, where I happened to be visiting.  I remember reading a newspaper article about them.  I stole the paper, so I could finish the article. 

I don’t know what this dream means, if anything.  However, I usually don’t remember dreams this clearly after I wake up, unless I write them down right away.  Something I was unable to do this morning.  I have a feeling this dream may be symbolic that we are entering the age where we become “AWARE” that there are other worlds out there, other people,  other races.  I’d be interested in learning your take on the dream, if you feel so led to share. 

Well I’m off to run some errands.  First the library, Second – Target and lastly the Post Office.  Wishing you a good day!!

They tried to make me go to rehab but I said ‘no, no, no’

Another visit to Rehab.  Well actually it’s the Health and Rehab Center.  Really for all practical purposes, it was a nursing home for Seniors.   It was Caitlyn’s final test day to become a therapy dog.  Yes, our little Caitlyn, My Dad’s Dog, a Shitzu, is going to be a Hospice Therapy Dog.  We’re so proud of Caitlyn.  Well, at least we have all the paperwork completed.  Now we just need to wait for the final approval from the Therapy Dogs group in Colorado. 

Yes I’ve been black but when I come back you’ll know know know
Caitlyn has quite a way with the seniors.  She is so small and cute, it’s hard not to be drawn to her, to feel her fluffy fur and her wet little nose.  Caitlyn prances around the nursing home and when she is stopped by a senior in a wheel chair,  …She’s a little nervous at first.  Then she relaxes and let them pet her all over. 

I ain’t got the time and if my daddy thinks I’m fine
Caitlyn is most comfortable when she visits someone in their room.  She makes herself right at home, at their feet or the foot of their bed. 

He’s tried to make me go to rehab but I won’t go go go
Allowing dogs to visit in nursing homes.  It’s a therapy that you now find is more welcomed than it has been in the past.  They use it to draw the Seniors out of their shells.  Feeling a nice wet nose will do that to you when you’re somewhere you’d rather not be.  Like the hospital or a nursing home.  Dogs have this wonderful ability to give unconditional love.  And this is the reason, they are welcome to visit.


Many Thanks to Amy Winehouse for the use of her lyrics.

Movie Night

Well, after sitting home all day and waiting on Fay.  The rain started again in the afternoon.  By evening, our community band rehearsal was canceled.  So we ate dinner and packed up and went to see a movie at a local theater.  DBL and DS saw Mamamia.  They enjoyed it a great deal.  Brody, Grandpa and I went to see the clone wars.  I’d give it maybe 2 out of 5 stars.  I didn’t really enjoy it.  Brody loved the battles.  Grandpa forgot he saw the movie about 2 minutes after it was over.  On the way into the movie, Dad picked up a small bag of popcorn.  He only offered me some popcorn twice; not 25 times as he did the last time we went to a movie.  After our movie was over, we needed to wait for DBL and DS who were in watching the end of Mamamia.  So Brody was ready for second dinner and Grandpa (not to be outdone) ordered another bag of popcorn.  (Reminder:  Dad has zero tolerance for sugar or carbs.  It makes his blood sugar soar and adds to his senility.)  So as we’re paying for the high priced movie food, I’m trying to wrestle a bag of popcorn away from Dad.  All said and done, it added up to was a horrible, embarrassing scene.  I apologize to the girl at the counter and explained that Dad was a diabetic.  And then I added, “Of course we were only doing this to entertain you.”  She did laugh – probably out of politeness. 

I did allow Dad that bag of popcorn, temporarily, only to tease it out of him later.  I traded him the bag of popcorn (he’d only eaten the top inch of the bag) for a couple of snow capps.  He gladly made the trade.  Then I threw it away before the sugar police showed up (DBL & DS).  My diabolical plan worked! 

At that point I tried to get Dad to play some Hoops with me at the arcade or perhaps Air Hockey. Because any type of activity is good for someone with diabetes; but Dad wouldn’t play.  He just sat there and rooted for me as I played Hoops alone and later air hockey with Brody.  My first set of hoops I made 15 hoops (with out really trying) The second set of hoops (when I tried to make the hoops) I only made 2 hoops.  (The story of my life).  Later Brody talked me into a game of Air Hockey.  Which to my chagrin, Brody won 7 to 6.  I hate losing air hockey.  After that Brody talked me into the Dance machine – I’ve always wanted to try this.  I love to dance.  So I gave it a shot, beginner level.  And the machine told me I did a great job.  I laughed it off and told the machine it wasn’t too bad itself. 

Then DS and DBL showed up after their movie ended and we all braved the 30 mile an hour winds of tropical storm (TS) Fay as we ran out to the car.  We were drenched.  TS Fay  who had stalled just off the coast of Florida.  We were only experiencing the outer rings of the storm as we were miles away from the eye. 

Fortunately for us, we have not experienced the flooding that other parts of our county has received. 

Since getting home from the movies tonight, I hear a green frog (Often found in central Florida) croaking outside my window.  It sounds a lot like a duck quacking.  The frogs are bright green and a little smaller than the palm of my hand.  Very pretty.  My guess is that it’s their favorite type of weather -wet.

Celebrating Dad’s 76th Year

Dad’s birthday is tomorrow.  And we celebrated Dad’s 76Th Birthday today as it was the only evening we’d all be available for dinner.  We went out to a local Italian restaurant to celebrate Dad’s 76Th birthday.  This pic to the left is of a Sicilian Pizza (aka Chicago Style) that we ordered.  We usually order the thin pizza, but decided to order the Sicilian style pizza since it is a favorite of Brody’s. 

We also ordered appetizers.  Which included everything but the kitchen sink (calamari, pita bread w/ salsa, stuffed mushrooms and sausage bread w/ mozzarella).  We took home two (2) large pizza boxes of food home with us. 

Brody entertained us all with his art work which he drew on the table (Restaurant provided crayons and Paper table cloth).  Brody is planning on studying to be an animator in college.  We’re all pulling for him!

Dad was enjoying himself.  At one point he almost lost it with the waiter again, because he was out of coffee.  When he raised his voice to the waiter, both my DS and I stepped in to soften the blow.  The waiter Laughed and said, Oh, did your IV run out of coffee?  And Dad laughed and said YES!  We were grateful for the waiter’s gentle spirit.  And laughed with relief.  From that point on the waiter was on his toes and kept Dad in Coffee till the end of the night. 

Dad had a slice of Tiramasu with a candle in it for his birthday cake. 

 And later opened his presents.  Dad was given a brand new Chicago Bears Hat.  He loves the Chicago Bears.  He lost his last Bears hat a while ago and was so disappointed.  My sister and her hubby gave Dad that present.  Dad was happy with his present.  Brody gave Grampa a large coffee mug with an oak on it.  Dad loved it too.  And we showered Dad with funny cards.  You know the kind.  Catholic nun jokes, old people jokes and even a card from Kaitlyn (who unfortunately couldn’t join us).

BTW, for those of you who are interested we have been able to encourage Dad to drink water everday since my post about Dad refusing to drink water.  It wasn’t easy, but Dad has been drinking his water.  So far the score is Dad 0/ Water 4.  Pretty soon we hope to have Dad and Water on the same team.  But for now, we’ll keep encouraging Dad.