Tag Archives: Obama

Let’s work together to make it happen!

Presidential Election
John McCain is getting pummeled for his choice in choosing Sarah Palin as his VP Running Mate.  The Saturday Night Live Skits are not helping much in this matter.  But on the other hand, the skits are very entertaining.  (Kudos to Sarah for being such a good sport.) 

However, it seems to me in these political matters that the general public has not made up their mind yet in regards to whom they would like to see run the United States for the next four years.  One week the media is hating John McCain, the following week they hate Barak Obama.    It’s difficult to know whom to trust with our vote.  Unless of course you review the facts.  Which brings me to the next question? 

How well do American’s know their own history?  Believe me, if you vote for someone who promises change and cannot produce change the next step of our political process will find you storming the white house.  But guess what, it will be too late then.  All the hard work, all the blood shed to create our democracy will have been wasted.   

Let’s work together at this election and vote for someone with real experience.  I want to insure our country an even better future and see it recover from this economic crisis.  I want to see this country establish itself with a progressive educational system.  I want to see real change too.   Most of all I want to see this country be the true leader we’re called to be and see us make some positive changes in the world today and in the future. 

On the Lighter Side – By Sharon
“We were conceived to love spirituality, and love is the center of our beings.  It is the energy of our souls, the spark of our divine nature.  Being made of love, we cleave to it and seek it in all that we do.  When we do not have it, or when we have lost it, we grieve.  Its presence of absence color our every action.  It is life It is happiness.  It is salvation itself.”  The Ripple Effect, page 145 by Betty J. Eadie.

“The longest journey of any is the journey inward.” – hanoochi.com

 Casey Anthony
Casey Anthony is being tried in the press right now.  CNN has all the files posted from the Sheriff’s office Discovery Process http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/07/25/missing.florida.girl.ap/index.html

That’s One Bell You Can’t Unring!
The liberal newspapers are reporting that the distance between McCain and Obama is widening.  However, all the polls left a certain amount of ambiguity.  At some point Americans are going to realize that this is one bell you can’t unring.  I understand, the unwillingness to want to trust a republican in office again.  This republican is different.  Use your logic, look at the amount of experience McCain offers. When you review Obama’s experience, you’ll see it is very limited. 

Obama doesn’t have a leg to stand on regarding experience.  He’s a junior Senator.  Who reacts slowly when there are issues that need addressing.  No time during the time Obama was sworn in the Senate did he lead a special interest group.  The groups he did belong to, never met.  Here’s a quote from William M. Briggs a statistician who references the amount of time each Candidate spent in the Senate. 

To read more about the quote below, please refer to this URL:  http://wmbriggs.com/blog/?=McCain+in+the+Senate

” Barack Obama served 143 days in the senate and no days in the military before he began his run for president.   John McCain served 26 years in the senate and 22 years in the military before he began his campaign. ”  Quoted from William M. Briggs, Statistician All manner of statistical analysis cheerfully undertaken.”

On the Lighter Side, by Sharon
I Am There ~ by Hanoochi (


I am the breeze that kisses your cheek.
I am the sun that warms your face.When you look at the purple evening sky, it is me.
When you see a majestic mountain, it is me.


When the birds sweetly sing, it is my voice.
When the water gently laps against the shore, it is my heartbeat.

I am the green grass against your feet.
I am the refreshing shade of summer.

In the stars, you see my eyes.
In the blue sky, you see my body.


Feel the air that surrounds you, I am there.
Feel the love in your heart, I am there.





(All of us are one…Added by Sharon)


Praying for a brilliant mind, strong ethics, & a strong advocate for our constitution.

Flock of 24 Ibis’ wandering down the neighborhood. 

Dad and I went to church today.  It was a little more interesting than the usual Sunday Mass.  Our regular Pastor is recovering from a bad accident and our Junior Pastor is a young priest from Ireland.  He is quite interesting to hear.  He was telling us about the visit from his family and what a good exchange rate they’re getting here.   Pastor Karl (junior pastor) said his sister purchase one suitcase of make-up and one suitcase of clothing.  Our exchange rate gets them about a 1/3 discount over what they’d get on their island.  Interesting.  I guess we should be happy they’re buying something, because I know most Americans are not buying anything.  Still it’s a situation we’ve not been in, in a long time.  I wonder if America is going to survive this whole economic disaster we’re experiencing.  From the looks of the news today, the economic woes seem to be reverberating around the world.  As we hear about a key German bank bail-out too. 

Part of me wants to believe we’re going to make it through this, just like we always have, and part of me wonders what life will be like if we don’t make it through this whole economic situation.

Which makes voting in the election all the more important.  I don’t care for McCain.  I just don’t trust another Republican in the white house.  I originally voted for Hillary.  And I’m heart-sick she lost the Democratic nomination.  Obama is really too green to be able to handle many of the issues in the white house currently.  Besides, I’ve noticed that when ever Obama gets under the gun about making an important decision, he seems to freeze.  I remember reading that he didn’t vote in a number of senate meetings on key issues.  You just don’t want some one in the white house who’s going to freeze under pressure. 

I guess I’m just going to have to hold out for a last minute write-in candidate for president.   I just pray that who ever it is will be someone with a brilliant mind and strong ethics, and a strong advocate for our constitution.  That’s what I’d like to see.